I'm hoping this time around that the hand to hand is extremely overhauled. I'm assuming for the 360/PS3 that the left trigger will be for what is in your left hand and right trigger for your right. I'm also assuming when you're unarmed it's the same way, left for left, right for right.
Now for the physics part. I think it looked very silly in Oblivion when you would punch someone, or animal, and it would have no effect from the punching...almost as if there was no point to being unarmed. I would like some elbow drops or curb stomps or somethin' lol. Also seeing your character punch a bandit right in the head and hearing his skull crack.
100% agree about the physics. To me, physics is the most important aspect of making combat
feel real. More important than graphics and animations even. Despite Todd going on about how much improved the combat looks and feels, I don't have too high of hopes for this area.
After seeing the little bit of combat in the gameplay trailer, it looks about the same as Oblvion, but with improved animation. If you watch the part where the two Nords are fighting, the one jumps and spins and attacks, and you can see blood flying, however the sword doesn't sound like it hits and never even comes within a foot or two of the enemy. Not exactly what I would call brutal, in your face combat. It looks like the collisions and physics are one of the parts of Gamebryo that didn't get upgraded. :confused: Oh well, at least they overhauled the animations, and still have time to make the combat feel real.