There are many people (myself included) who prefer to play TES and Fallout games with Hand to Hand, even though it is usually vastly underpowered when compared to weapons use.
Despite being weaker, Bethesda has shown a growing trend in improving hand to hand combat in each of its games, demonstrated here=
1. Morrowind= Damage is fatigue based, health damage only after knock out
2. Oblivion= Both health and fatigue damage, unarmed only perk "riposite", low damage with no enchanting or poisoning
3. Fallout 3= Hand to Hand weapons added! Adding better scalability and the use of poisons (Hope for the future)
4. Fallout New Vegas= Hand to hand further improved to include combat moves (that no other form of combat recieves!)
and then we have Skyrim=
1. No Hand to Hand weapons
2. No hand to hand skill (and corrosponding perk lines)
3. Likely no hand to hand combat moves
Even if you dont personally use Hand to Hand combat, it seems a shame to lose several years of progress in developing the skill. Hand to hand should remain an important aspect of the game, seeing as it allows roleplay of characters who have had their weapons confiscated by guards, etc. Hand to hand is even an integral part of TES lore as there are certain unarmed "sects" that are very powerfull (and not chumps in combat like some hand to hand naysayers would have you believe).
Please address this Bethesda, at the very least in a patch is it is not possible prior to release.
Before I make my post, I feel I must assure you that I too am a fan of unarmed combat; after the basic 'mage' and 'heavy-defence warrior' concepts, a monk or monk-equivalent is one of my favorites classes in any game where it is presented as an option. Now then...
First, I must point out that you include Fallout 3 and New Vegas on your timeline. You must understand that Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics all have unarmed combat in it, and Bethesda was keeping in spirit with the original games for Fallout 3. Fallout New Vegas was done by Obsidian, and has even less place on your timeline.
Secondly, you can still fight unarmed. Khajiit get a racial bonus to it, it's been hinted at that rather than fatigue damage you do straight health damage now, ect.
Thirdly, I have to admit that in a fantasy world such as the one that Skyrim takes place in, hand-to-hand combat would be very limited in effectiveness except to unarmoured targets. Have you ever tried to punch a guy who's wearing a steel briastplate? Trust me, that's an easy way to break your hand.
Now, one could easily improve the effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat with the use of special weapons such as spiked knuckles, katar, ect. Unfortunately, Tamriel is short on martial artists and monastaries. Even the few rare katanas found in the series so far are actually based off Akaviri design. I do hope for the return of a hand-to-hand skill tree (although it has again, been hinted that there is at least 1 hand-to-hand perk in the 2-handed tree, and that the 2-handed tree will cover hand-to-hand attack strength) but really, I feel for this to make sense we'd need to see a sojourn to Akavir or go to a country in Tamriel with a stronger focus on unarmed martial arts.