Despite being weaker, Bethesda has shown a growing trend in improving hand to hand combat in each of its games, demonstrated here=
1. Morrowind= Damage is fatigue based, health damage only after knock out
2. Oblivion= Both health and fatigue damage, unarmed only perk "riposite", low damage with no enchanting or poisoning
3. Fallout 3= Hand to Hand weapons added! Adding better scalability and the use of poisons (Hope for the future)
4. Fallout New Vegas= Hand to hand further improved to include combat moves (that no other form of combat recieves!)
and then we have Skyrim=
1. No Hand to Hand weapons
2. No hand to hand skill (and corrosponding perk lines)
3. Likely no hand to hand combat moves
Even if you dont personally use Hand to Hand combat, it seems a shame to lose several years of progress in developing the skill. Hand to hand should remain an important aspect of the game, seeing as it allows roleplay of characters who have had their weapons confiscated by guards, etc. Hand to hand is even an integral part of TES lore as there are certain unarmed "sects" that are very powerfull (and not chumps in combat like some hand to hand naysayers would have you believe).
Please address this Bethesda, at the very least in a patch is it is not possible prior to release.