There aren't any obese people either.
There aren't any obese people either.
I think I saw Fish-Breath once, or was it the tundra mirage?
In Lore reason:
Healing spells and potions and scrolls and magic as such enable the societies of skyrim to heal most injuries and illnesses. As long as an arm or leg is still connected physically to one`s body, I see no reason at all why a healing spell shouldn`t work here.
On the oither hand, if someone choppes off one`s arm or leg with a single strike, the injury is going to be so severe that the victim dies right on the spot.
It's a video game and creating characters that have some sort of physical disability would mean they'd have to completely change the model of the person.
It would be too much work for too little return.
Lore-wise I don't doubt there are people who are born with disabilities and people who become disabled through accidents.
While not graphically represented we know many of the guards became guards after suffering a war wound which meant they were no longer fit to be soldiers.
If you get an arrow to the knee then this will affect how well you can march and run etc.
This, don't think too many handicapped people were wheeling around in earth's dark ages either, they're a fairly recent phenomenon that owe their existence to modern technology and highly advanced organised society and government. The odd amputee beggar wouldn't go astray though admittedly, but even they would have a low survival rate, well maybe not with the fantastic restoration magic available.
Honestly, people's grasp of history has me often first with my mouth wide option in disbelief before I start laughing, because laughing is less of a tax than becoming angry.
Please do read up a bit before you print complete and utter nonsense.
Where do you even get this notion?
Before the invention of hygiene and medicine there were vastly more disabled and disfigured people than there are today.
You should google a photo album made when photography was just invented, 200 years ago. They are a veritable freakshow of disfigurements.
People with huge tumors covering half their faces, diphteria, rackets, shingles, scurvy, polio, beri-beri, pellagra you name it.
Humans these days, since 1950 or so, are remarkably beautiful. Put a victorian gentleman in current day London and that would be his first remark. Everyone is beautiful, everyone is able of body.
Im going with the theory that anyone born with a disability was left to die. Kinda like what the Spartans did with deformed children in 300. Sick and cruel, I know, but thats history for ya.
First of all, the way of the Spartans was unusual even in that timeframe.
Secondly you're missing the vast numbers of people becoming disabled through disease, malnutrition or violence.
The undeniable historical fact is that the percentage of disabled people throughout history was greater than it is today by orders of magnitude.
There are guards with one eye, isn't that a disability?
There's also really stupid AI, you could RP that as a disability too. FACE ARROW TICKLES! ME WANT MORE 3x TICKLE ATTACK
certain AI have a mental handicap sometimes.
look in the remaining war camps after the CW -plenty disabled and injured in there Stormcloaks usually