This is a general discussion on War, and War never changes. Would you like to see more Handicapped people seeing that the setting is post apocolyptic and during a war between basically 4 factions for control of boston, you think there would be more disabled veterans based on the conditions and setting of the story with everything happening. Limps already get blown off but no suriviors are scenes. Theres already wheel chairs in the game but you cannot sit in them. Wouldnt it add to the realisms and continutiy of the game, seeing that war never changed, neither do the horrors of physical or mental struggles veterns and many others endure. The only mention of a physically handicapped person in this game is one person. Would you like to see more handicapped people in fallout 4 providing a more diverse realistic envorment creating a better game for a wider audence to those who struggle with theses issues on a daily basis and find it hard to reconize or relate would you like to see more physically handicapped relatedable characters then just one token person? please feel free to share your thoughts on this and vote. thank you for your time.