You could use CreateFullActorCopy just once after the player exits the starter dungeon to get his appearance, and move this clone to an unused cell like the TestingHall. Then when you need it, move it to the player's location. With some scripting skills, you can make a loop that walks through the player's inventory and pushes any equipped items into an array, then copy those items to the clone and make him equip them, or you can just pretend the berserker state makes you rip all your clothes off and send the clone in naked

Make sure to include a check not to copy equipped quest items, as this will bloat the savegame and may cause bugs. Copy the stats and skills by using GetAv and SetAv.
The tricky part is getting the player to move without user input. If you get the clone right, you could walk through the references in the current cell, see if the player clone can detect them, give them a ref if this is true and use something like
"playerClone.startcombat NPCref" to make the clone attack that NPC, then using Setpos and Getpos to continuously move the player to the clone's location so the camera follows. If I recall it correctly, using player.moveto will black out the screen, you might want to avoid that.