There is so much sloppy writing out there (printing and cursive). It doesn't make sense. The whole idea is to communicate.
I imagine technology contributes to that. I've always had bad handwriting, even during school when I was writing reports and essays and a book in my spare time, but it evolved to truly terrible afterward because I never really needed to write. I wasn't doing homework anymore, and if I needed to write something I would just type it. I don't really do anything that requires handwritten material, and typing lets me avoid nuisances like new papers and pencils and erasing and hand cramps. I've pretty much forgotten how to write in cursive (and those letters I remember look baaad) because after learning it in class and finishing the homework for it, it was never needed again.
The only cursive I ever use is when I need to sign my name, and that's mainly because as I got old enough to have things to sign my parents told me that was how I was supposed to do it. As an example of how terrible my handwriting is, especially cursive, the letters
don't actually connect, which is supposed to be the whole point. I just do the swirly letters one at a time. I hope my signature is never needed as any kind of proof of my mark, because I don't really have a set signature. It's an awful mess that looks different every single time I write it. No two are alike, like a fall of ugly, ugly snowflakes.