I would side with their choice ~they knew best. It's brazen hubris to go against it. (In all things related to Fallout ~really.)
I don't really see why both mr handys can't exist in the same setting, in fact it would add some variety to the robot enemies.
Well my point is that I don't really see much that's similar between DA:I and Fallout 4. Except the semi-uncommon dialog wheel.
Excuse you, guy. We don't welcome that kind of bipartisanship around here. You're either a Dinosaur of a Beth lover! THERE CAN BE NO REASON OR LOGIC ON THIS BOARD!
I agree with you actually, it'd add variety and show some people Pre-War still hung on to previous models.
Hell I'd like to see both versions of the Sentry bot too.
I like the newer Fallout 3 models but the Fallout 2 version is http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Sentry_bot_(Fallout_2)as well.
Ah yes, I remember first seeing that thing in Fallout 2 and going "Oh crap..." out loud.
I don't see why both robots don't exist in the same setting; but the way it is now, the new design is presented as the original pre-war model. That's the problem with it.
Nothing created by man is perfect as no man is infallible. And thus no work of man warrants blind acceptance. Not the work of the original creators and not Bethesda either. I prefer the new look over the old not because of who made it, but simply because after seeing both I just like the look of the new version better. I personally find the new look to be more aesthetically pleasing to my eyes.
If you preferred the old look because you personally found it to be more aesthetically pleasing I would be fine with that. I wouldn't agree with you, but then beauty is subjective, and so I would be fine with that.
But for you to blindly accept it, without judging for yourself, saying that it would be hubris for you or anyone else to think for themselves. Well, I have to say I find that to be a bit disturbing. They are men, not gods.
I'd like to see that also, and for a bit of flavour have some dialogue for them so that if you put a pair in the same room together they could bicker about who's the better model.
Ha! Caught out by the change of background in the quote field!
I-I have no idea what you mean....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHJz7F4CAdM!
You know... that reminds me of a recent news story of just such an opinion. I think it's most apt.
[Unfortunately none of the articles with pictures are text safe, and none with safe text have safe pictures.]
Two brothers bought a rare set of Goya prints, and re-released them as their own work~ by painting over all of the faces as clowns; and some actually lauded them for it.
The problem I have with Bethesda's attempt at it is that http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj125/Gizmojunk/Part3_NewManagement.jpg ~that's about it really; I've no other problem with their game. It's fine on it's own merit... just not as a part 3.
According to what I read, the newer Mister Handy is the original pre-war model: the Mk.1. Apparently, and this is just what I've read on the wiki, the Fallout 1/2 Mr. Handy is the Mk.2 version which only saw limited release in California right before the bombs dropped. It handily (heh) explains why you only ever see the "older" version everywhere else but in Fallout 1/2, which are set in California, mainly.
I'm confused on what you mean by that. I don't remember anything about Mk.1 or Mk. 2 Mr. Handies in 1/2.
You are so passionate and I have no doubt you are correct. But we haven't played the game yet and maybe there is a perfectly good explanation for this. Surely they wouldn't have overlooked such a thing?
haha Beth overlook details related to lore? never...unless you count all their games ever
Sorry if you've said it somewhere further back in the thread, Giz, but I was curious.... would you have been okay with this change to the Handy/Gutsy model if FO3 had been made by the original devs?
(reading this thread, I've been reminded a couple times about my time playing the Xenosaga games. Mostly the same devs each time, but I think the producers & art directors bounced around a bit. Ended up with three games that came out on a normal series schedule, that are all about the same characters in the same continuing story.... that had vastly different gameplay mechanics in each game as well as a very different visual style/character design in each game. This is the main char in http://ps2media.ign.com/media/previews/image/xenosaga/xenosaga_39.jpg, http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/xenosaga-episode2/art-011.jpg, and http://www.gameland.ru/post/36379/img/XenosagaIII-00.jpg, for instance.)
Lol, true. I am not what you would call the biggest lore nut. Maybe they were hoping people like me wouldn't notice. I am sure that they have some reason for their design decisions, or at least I hope so?
Going out on a limb here, but could it have something to do with the protagonist having a military background? The opened box that was shown wasn't that for Mr. Handy. Perhaps he was military prototype?