It happened again... AI package routine problems.

Post » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:41 pm

Here's the problem SOMETIMES the NPCs go out at night to attack and sleep in day, OTHER TIMES no matter what I do I see these npcs walk out into broad daylight, and they stay there for hours. For the record I made about 60 npcs approximately, and had to make about 120 packages for every one of them. I also made sure there was only one user of each package, yet I still keep encountering this phenomenon where sometimes these NPCs will just stay out in broad daylight no matter what... I don't know if this might be why, but it seems like the ones set up to invade highly populated areas are more prone to this, though I found one exception. At this point I'm beginning to wonder if it's an issue with Skyrim's limitations, or if the problem is something being done by someone sitting in between my chair and keyboard.

Is there just some sort of simple script I can apply to each NPC that disables them at day time? It may seem a slightly immersion breaking if they just vanish when the sun comes up, but it's still WAY less immersion breaking than these NPCs just walking about outside when it's day time.

Edit: I just noticed the attack function has no template though it seems to perform fine on it's own... I'm going to give it a custom template as a test, and if it doesn't work, I'll update more on that.

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