What is happiness and how can we achieve it? I'm a big fan of Epicurus and his philosophy. He teaches us that in order to achieve a state of well-being and tranquility, you need not to satisfy his every need, but to separate our true needs from the ones created by our way of living and the society around us; to live a modest life and treasure the things you have; to rid yourself of fear and anxiety.
our true needs are only the basic ones, the need to eat, sleep, have a roof over your head and to have friends. Friendship is one of the most important things in our life. Epicurus even argues that it's matters more whom we eat our food with, than what we eat. We live in a world where riches and comfort have become one of the values of life.
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."
You can achieve happiness by understanding these needs, and by accepting them. "If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires."
Sounds simple enough. Why is it so hard for us to think like this? because we are constantly being told what we need by the media. Everyone is trying to create false needs, this is, for example, what makes Apple a successful company; they managed to make people believe that they need to own an iPod, they created a false need for us. This applies to almost everything we see around us.
Is it even possible in our market-controlled world to be happy? It would seem not since it's impossible to satisfy our desires. I say 'our' desires here, but I'm not sure any of the desires we feel are truly ours.
Anxiety, stress and fear are persistent themes in our day-to-day life. We are stressed out about work, our financial situation, the paper we need to write for school. We are anxious about the expectations society has for us; What will happen to us if we can't finish school? What happens if we can't follow the path which has been laid out for us? Fear is there too, fear of disappointment, fear of humiliation, fear of rejection, fear of death. Is it truly possible to remove these things from our minds, to cancel out fear and anxiety? Or is it an unachievable fantasy?
Most fears are irrational. The most irrational one being the fear of death.
"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."
Why do we fear that which does not exist? Why do we fear the unknown? Maybe what we really fear is the thought of leaving this physical world without doing our part in this world. The meaning of life. Our mission, our quest, our purpose in life. I would like to believe that there is no inherit meaning to life. I kinda like the nihilistic approach to this issue. There is no meaning so we shouldn't be concerned with it. This all ties in with happiness too, for it is impossible to achieve tranquility and a state of well-being if we feel like we have a purpose in life.
This is a heavy subject and I don't have enough time to finish my thoughts. The bottom line is that I believe absolute happiness is almost impossible to achieve due to the world and society we have created. It is however very possible to be happier in life by focusing out the false needs, fears and troubles. We may not be able to completely disconnect ourselves from the problems of the world, but we can try, and we can only benefit from it. Don't spend your time worrying about things. Don't fear death or rejection. Don't drown yourself in materialistic needs. Try to appreciate the little things, strengthen bond between you and your friends and remember that your worst enemy is the extreme, moderation is your friend.
That's it for now. What are your thoughts on this? Is it possible to be happy? Does life have a meaning, and if it does: should we be concerned? What are the pitfalls we should avoid in life?
All views and opinions are welcome (except the religious ones). Your can post your own thoughts, or quote the thousands of philosophers who have tried to conquer this subject.