» Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:22 am
I'm close to the line between happy and disappointed on all aspects.
The music being one of the closest to that line for me. I do like the new music we've gotten, especially inside of Taverns and Inns. I like the 1 or 2 tunes we got from Morrowind, don't really like the Fallout 3 tune we got (pretty sure it's from FO) and I don't like the fact that the music doesn't play often enough in the wilderness.
The mechanics are okay, the UI is the worst thing out of all of them. The perk tree is cool but I wish it could be navigated easier on the PC. I also wish you could get more perk points than just from leveling up. I do like the way all skills count towards a level up though. Not as in depth and complicated as Morrowind or Oblivion, but that's okay..sometimes simple is good too.
I am not far into the story but I like it so far and the quests seem the same as they've always been really. The dialogue is top notch I think. There should be a lot more variables but that's only a minor bother, it's not needed.
The ambiance is great. Dragonflies, butterflies, birds, non hostile wildlife, hunters..fugitives..all great. Definitely a step up from their previous games. There could be a lot more of that type of thing but that's a minor nitpick, it's still better than it's ever been.
Overall it seems like Skyrim evolved more than devolved. Sure some things got dumbed down or removed, but other things got enhanced. Overall I'd say it's about 60/40 on the ehanced/removed scale. That opinion might change the more I play the game though.