I am Happy Now, 60 Dollars is Worth it!!!

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:35 pm

Oh you must use INTEL.....

Oohh ohhh, CPU wars ! I haven't been in one of those since....hmmmm...AMD had a viable product !

Just kidding (mostly)! Since I have 2 Intel and 2 AMD (one is even a Phenom II X6 1045T ) systems I'm don't get too excited either way. If you want to knock off an extra $200 cause "Intel is the devil" feel free. Still won't make the PC anywhere near as cheap as a console.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:26 pm

I completely agree. 50euro for this game, imo its worth it. Spent 15 or so hours so far (mostly SP but also some MP) on the game, thats 15 hours of entertainment, for 50 euro. Where can I get that kind of great entertainment (my opinion ofcourse), for that kind of money? - Nowhere, and there is still many more hours to get out of this game for me.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

I just want Maximum graphics :D hahaha i dont really care if i can play the multiplayer or not, graphics is all it matters in Crysis series!! and that is what makes PC version unique , Keep it up Crytek, if you make the graphics super photorealistic, i will be glad to buy ur games once again .

One thing aside from dx 11 , i would like HIGH RESOLUTION textures because that will make things look even better woohoooooo

I don't understand how you are so alright with the fact that, just because it has DX11 coming, you don't really care about multiplayer since it's being a piece of trash. The $60 you paid was paying for the DX11, the single player mode, AND, mainly of all, the Multiplayer feature. Yet you're cool with just blowing it off simply because the developer absolutely svcks at support for their terrible product? It's stuff like that which makes them think it's okay to do this stuff to people.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:25 pm

i need a reason for why the dx11 was delayed to be happy again.
imo, they had to fix bugs and hackers first...
it's like... a car.
What good is a car with super polished paint and racing stripes if the engine doesn't start?

Get your **** together, THEN sugar-coat directx9 it.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:49 pm

Using old technology (DX9 anyone one?) and Crysis 1 half sized textures...really ground breaking there.
Or maybe we should talk about the nanosuit '2.0' its an unprade...it has less power and speed then its predessor, doesn't reduce recoil, and uses energy if I just want to sprint (oh wait thats "Maximum Speed") and is...amazing?
Or maybe we can go into the continuation of the original story...no, no wait...it really doesn't...even the Ceph are different...completly different...hmm
Well we can certainly go into the advanced AI...well, no, there goes a C.E.L.L running into the wall again...
We can at least talk about how they created this game for PC first...well no my hard copy without a patch gives me a start screen (that says "Press start to continue") and the gamma adjustment tells me to adjust my TV...well hell..
I know, lets get into the great gameplay that makes PC FPS great...well I can sorta lean...along this wall...but...can't really do it over there...umm. I can sneak around this side street...no, no can't do that...the suit is telling me i have to go this way...umm
Or we can talking about how much gameplay there is to be had...wait...hmm 7 hours...meh I guess it would be worse...

All in all, if it had came out with DX11 and all of these issues (and the bugs and stuff that people have experianced) it would still only be worth $30 (and im being generous). It is simply not that great of a game. Crysis 1 was better, and I've played funner games with less graphics paid less for them and was satisfied.
Crysis 2 was a PR scam put out by Crytek on the PC community. They knew if they told the truth about Crysis 2 that they would lose hard on opening PC sales.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:55 am

If you are paying $1500 for a PC, you need to stop buying Dell/Alienware.

$1500 isn't all that much. If you're a hardcoe PC gamer, how can you not spend $1500 on a PC ?

ASUS Rampage IV Motherboard is $350
Video card around $400-500, ($800-1000 if you're going SLI)
CPU for around $300-$350
a 120GB SSD drive is $300 or at least $200 for a 10K rpm drive
$150 for some solid Memory
$200 for a quality power supply
$100-$175 for a sixy case
$150 for a keyboard
$30-50 for a quality gaming mouse
$300 or so for a quality 24" montior.
$60-80 for a quaility CPU cooler.

I won't even include items like a legal copy of Windows 7, various cables, thermal paste and such. I really don't know how anyone can spend less than $1k for a new Gaming PC. Anything less might as well be a console.

Oh you must use INTEL.....[/quote]

Disagreed....I prefer AMD man.....but that's just me. It's preference between intel and AMD, both have their proper pros and cons. If you plan to overclock, go with an intel, but if you're keeping it at stock (like me) I suggest AMD. It's vise versa for some people tho.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:32 pm

Using old technology (DX9 anyone one?) and Crysis 1 half sized textures...really ground breaking there.
Or maybe we should talk about the nanosuit '2.0' its an unprade...it has less power and speed then its predessor, doesn't reduce recoil, and uses energy if I just want to sprint (oh wait thats "Maximum Speed") and is...amazing?
Or maybe we can go into the continuation of the original story...no, no wait...it really doesn't...even the Ceph are different...completly different...hmm
Well we can certainly go into the advanced AI...well, no, there goes a C.E.L.L running into the wall again...
We can at least talk about how they created this game for PC first...well no my hard copy without a patch gives me a start screen (that says "Press start to continue") and the gamma adjustment tells me to adjust my TV...well hell..
I know, lets get into the great gameplay that makes PC FPS great...well I can sorta lean...along this wall...but...can't really do it over there...umm. I can sneak around this side street...no, no can't do that...the suit is telling me i have to go this way...umm
Or we can talking about how much gameplay there is to be had...wait...hmm 7 hours...meh I guess it would be worse...

All in all, if it had came out with DX11 and all of these issues (and the bugs and stuff that people have experianced) it would still only be worth $30 (and im being generous). It is simply not that great of a game. Crysis 1 was better, and I've played funner games with less graphics paid less for them and was satisfied.
Crysis 2 was a PR scam put out by Crytek on the PC community. They knew if they told the truth about Crysis 2 that they would lose hard on opening PC sales.

@the part of this comment I emphasized: You have to be trolling LOL. With 50+ reviews giving Crysis 2 a 90+ on a 100 scale AND this game being considered AAA, I would suggest that's enough to show it's good game. Let alone the actually GAMERS enjoy the actual gameplay a lot AND the multiplayer is GOOD. The initial reaction in terms of gameplay in Crysis 2 by gamers is MUCH better than Crysis 1, AND THIS I KNOW FOR SURE. Do not forget, at 2007 when Crysis 1 launched, it was known as "a beautiful yet bad game" by MANY fans and various reviewers....it was very love or hate like with more people leaning on hate. It's just now that Crysis 2 is multiplatform people are supporting Crysis 1...damn hypocrits.

And Crytek already "told the truth" with Crysis 2. What we got, is what they SHOWED AND SAID multiple times. The only thing Crytek isn't openly saying is that they couldn't finish because EA didn't give them the time to polish and add the extra PC specific features they had and that EA forcing them to release the game so soon is the reasons the issues in it exist....of course, if Crytek said this, that would be bad business with EA and EA would get pissed, and then leave Crytek in the dust and probably sue them.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:28 pm

SilentPhenomed is a crytek fangirl so ignore her.

Will anybody like BF4 to have 9v9 multiplayer on small maps and sound that is even worse than black ops? No (SilentPhenomed might because she has daddy issues and is disparately looking for a father figure)

Crytek is or was known for graphics and Crysis had the best graphics anybody has seen to this date. So why shouldnt ppl be disappointed with crysis 2 which is dx9 only, low rez textures, excessive bloom, unrealistic and excessive lighting and no custom graphics options?

If I am putting 10 dollars extra on a pc game I very well expect it to be a great game.
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:52 pm

@the part of this comment I emphasized: You have to be trolling LOL. With 50+ reviews giving Crysis 2 a 90+ on a 100 scale AND this game being considered AAA, I would suggest that's enough to show it's good game. Let alone the actually GAMERS enjoy the actual gameplay a lot AND the multiplayer is GOOD. The initial reaction in terms of gameplay in Crysis 2 by gamers is MUCH better than Crysis 1, AND THIS I KNOW FOR SURE. Do not forget, at 2007 when Crysis 1 launched, it was known as "a beautiful yet bad game" by MANY fans and various reviewers....it was very love or hate like with more people leaning on hate. It's just now that Crysis 2 is multiplatform people are supporting Crysis 1...damn hypocrits.

And Crytek already "told the truth" with Crysis 2. What we got, is what they SHOWED AND SAID multiple times. The only thing Crytek isn't openly saying is that they couldn't finish because EA didn't give them the time to polish and add the extra PC specific features they had and that EA forcing them to release the game so soon is the reasons the issues in it exist....of course, if Crytek said this, that would be bad business with EA and EA would get pissed, and then leave Crytek in the dust and probably sue them.

What? All of the paid off and console gaming reviewers? Yeah I know they gave it a 90+.

Crysis 1 was known for a beautiful game, an ok story and a pill to run on older systems. Doesn't make it a bad game, just hardware intensive. It was something different. I bought Crysis and WH back in 2009 and kicked myself for not buying it sooner. It is a great play and a lot of fun. Crysis 2 is generic shooter, sub-par consolized port. The gameplay, the suit, the levels all reek of console adaptation and a lot of people are pissed because of this.

I know your a fan of Crytek Silent but you should really stop denying what they did to the PC community.
So case in point, http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108709-Crysis-2-Is-a-PC-Game-First-Console-Game-Second-Claims-Crytek
Camarillo says that Crysis 2 is a PC game made to fit on a console, not the other way round.
If this is true then why do I have some bastardized lean ability and no prone?
If this is true why is it running off of DX9? Why not DX10 or DX11?
If this is true why is it running low res C1 half sized textures?
If this is true why does the unpatched PC games come with a start screen that says "Press start to continue" (it never should have a start screen anyways being a PC game) and why does the adjust gamma say to adjust my TV?

I can't think of any reasonable excuse why this crap would exists on a "PC" game first. It is simple 1+1=2, they made it for consoles and put it out on PC. As far as I can tell this is a lie.
Had they really made this for PC first, we would have had real prone and lean. DX11, high res textures, much better game play and no damned start screen. Then they would have dumbed down the game for the consoles PS3 then Xbox360. Hell the PS3 crowed would have loved it if they had done this because they would have gotten the better end of the deal instead of another Xbox360 port!
I would have been content on them saying "yeah we tried but we just couldn't fit a PC game into a console, they are just too damned limited" that would have been the truth!
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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:53 am

(Disclaimer: I haven't read through the topic, only scanned through a few posts. This is by no means a direct response to any posts in this topic or in this forum, it is only my personal opinion.)

I'm, for one, also satisfied with Crysis 2, as of patch 1.2. True, the post launch wasn't exactly without problems, but they have fixed the vast majority of issues (as I see it) very quickly. Having said that, I would have also preferred if they have released the game when it was playable; I really don't think waiting another month (spent with polishing and bug fixing) would have caused a serious setback, and it would have certainly provoked less angry responses from the community (whose outrage is perfectly valid, although some people may try self-moderation).

I surely miss some features of Crysis 1 (mainly the vehicles, the Power Struggle game mode and the ability to host your own little server), but Crysis 2 is an excellent game in its own right. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is CryTek dropping support very early for Crysis 2 as they did for Crysis 1, which would fatally break the game (having no modding options whatsoever and the inability to host your own game). I trust, however, that they won't do that.

About the console versions. I haven't played either of them (as I personally don't like consoles, only, well, cmd.exe and terminal on Linux), but from a technical point of view (having some programming experience myself), CryEngine 3 supporting them necessarily means that it cannot utilize all of the features of any of the platforms targeted. This basically means that in order to be able to use all the tools a platform has to provide, one would need to make very heavy changes to the game (if not rewrite it from scratch). Now, I personally don't see any problems with this - the support of consoles brings Crysis 2 to many people who wouldn't have played it on PC, which more than compensates for some loss in graphics detail.

As for the claims that the PC version is just a "console port" - they are absolutely nonsense. I have played quite a lot since release, both SP and MP (also played Crysis 1 Beta, Crysis 1, Crysis Warhead & Wars, and Crysis 2 MP Demo extensively), and I have found nothing whatsoever that would support these claims (apart from that glitch in the startup screen "Press Start to begin", which was quite hilarious).

I don't want CryTek to feel that they have completely misfired with Crysis 2, as one could develop this impression while reading the forums. (Naturally because those who don't have problems, don't complain and hence write less posts and open even less topics.)
CryTek - you have my complete support. Please don't screw this game up, fix the problems remaining, and consider the petitions the community has thrown in your way (e.g. host own server).
In short: don't give up on the community (on the game), and the community won't give up on you either.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 am

I'm happy that you're happy. Also check out inCrysis, some guy is making High-Res textures.
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