Colovian fur helms off to you, Morrowind!
Morrowind was my introduction to the Elder Scrolls series, and for that it will always hold a place of high honor as my favorite game of all time. Though, Skyrim is trying its hardest to usurp that throne!
I still remember when I first came across Morrowind at my local video rental place. It was right after it came out on X-box. I took a look at the back and thought to myself "Awesome! The open world sandbox of GTA, but with medieval fantasy." I absorbed all the knowledge the manual had to offer on the car ride home, and man. It is really difficult to put to words that sense of awe when I first got off the boat. I know a lot of you know what I'm talking about, but just wow. I was so lost, I had no idea what to do, but I didn't care. This was the most amazing entertainment experience I had ever had. I somehow stumbled my way to Vivec city, when led to me to being
even more lost. Eventually, I escaped the tricky canols and headed north. There I encountered my first dungeon, the Sarano ancestral tomb. After a few tries getting my ass handed to me by bonewalkers I eventually made my way to the hungar. I literally jumped out of my seat in fear. Somehow, in my panicked state I was able to defeat him and claim the Sarano Ebony Helm.
To this day, I never complete the Fighter's Guild quest to retrieve that helm. It is the first thing I go after, and it is always prominently displayed at my home.
Here's to another ten years of endless adventures, Morrowind!