» Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:03 pm
Every time Bethesda takes a step forwards in innovation a bunch of whiny fans complain that they're selling out. It's beginning to grate on me. Bethesda are the ones creating the games here, they are the experts ... did it not occur to them they might have perfectly valid reasons for removing spellmaking and merging curiass with greaves? No, obviously they're just selling out. Perfect reasoning. What they are doing is indeed making it more accessible, but I don't see why that ought forfeit depth. They've taken a step back in places, but only to move themselves closer to the root of the mechanic so they can expand upon it. If your idea of depth was levelling issues, crappy looking magic and unrealistic movement then fine by me, go play Oblivion, there's nothing you can do about it anyways.
Everything I have heard about Skyrim seems a huge step up to me. I have some qualms with the new enchanting system but I don't think it considerable enough to complain about it at length, or forfeit buying the game. I have it preordered and I can't wait for November.