Harcore Mode Help Needed

Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:24 am

I am doing the horrible and very pointless hardcoe mode trophy.

I made a male unarmed specialist called Pai S'ing R*Gr*Weia. Poor Pai.
Unarmed to stop having to carry ammo for a main gun with me.

That damn mode has svcked 70% of the fun out of the game. :brokencomputer:
It is now very tedious, boring and no fun to play.

For frags sake! If i wanted to get potenially dehydrated, hungry and tired I would go to the Mojave Desert in person! Not in a freaking game!

Good one Obsidieon. You trashed your own game, AGAIN! Like a unsideable faction in CL, lags, freezing, crashing and bugs were'nt bad enough!
Now there is a mode that makes awesome game boring and very tedious.
To make it worse they wasted a trophy on it!
I would'nt touch hardcoe mode with a exploding barbed wire bargepole if there was'nt a trophy to do!

I am going to do the bare minimum it takes to get this playthrough finished.
No companions in combat unless I have to and NO VAULTS! I have enough of dying companions in F3!
Doing the Independant path. Less people to mess around with.
No way in hell I going near Dead Money dlc. That thigns stupid enough wihtout extra stupid on top!
On very easy.

So what is the barest minimum level I have to be to get the end battle done.
Because there is NO WAY I am EVER dragging myself through more than I have to of this f**king tedium!

So what's the barest minium level for the end battle?
Any other advice? Anything at all? I need all the help I can get here.
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Lalla Vu
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