Hard Core or for Pleasure

Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:16 am

I was just wandering though the wastelands after completeing Minefield quest & i just can't get the Mothership Zeta post out of my head.
Reading all the replies led me to the theory that there are two camps of thought in the FO3 gamer world. So Alt/Tab and here I am.
I've been a member a long while now but I was on Dial-up till 6 months ago, enough said, :violin: , so I've never really had a good study of the forums.
From one end of the spectrum to the other ie:the following, 1 & 2. But I don't reckon there's many people in the middle ground. Show me the folly of my theory please
1:> Those of the hard core gamer that enjoy FO3 for its intricacies, game play, tactics, worthy kills, under-lying structure, storyline, construction of the game, lore & tenets of the canon. As to the tenets or lore of FO3s canon, could someone do a quick list for me: look @ it as a side quest.
2:> Those who play for the pure pleasure of a 1st class game, where you get to blow the Bejeezus out of bad guys & charge blindly at big ugly muthers that yell pain back at you as they attack(takedowns are best served with Bloody Mess perk :toughninja: ), rescue fair maidens (in a manner of speaking ie:Cherrie @ Dukovs, she didn't even thank me, pissed or what), play with BFG's (DOOM) or use your brain & steathfully manouvering through enemy encampments getting critical hit kills, oh the JOY!
Well, as the Brain says "are you pondering the same thing I'm pondering Pinkie" :nope:
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Sian Ennis
Posts: 3362
Joined: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:46 am

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