Reading all the replies led me to the theory that there are two camps of thought in the FO3 gamer world. So Alt/Tab and here I am.
I've been a member a long while now but I was on Dial-up till 6 months ago, enough said, :violin: , so I've never really had a good study of the forums.
From one end of the spectrum to the other ie:the following, 1 & 2. But I don't reckon there's many people in the middle ground. Show me the folly of my theory please
1:> Those of the hard core gamer that enjoy FO3 for its intricacies, game play, tactics, worthy kills, under-lying structure, storyline, construction of the game, lore & tenets of the canon. As to the tenets or lore of FO3s canon, could someone do a quick list for me: look @ it as a side quest.
2:> Those who play for the pure pleasure of a 1st class game, where you get to blow the Bejeezus out of bad guys & charge blindly at big ugly muthers that yell pain back at you as they attack(takedowns are best served with Bloody Mess perk :toughninja: ), rescue fair maidens (in a manner of speaking ie:Cherrie @ Dukovs, she didn't even thank me, pissed or what), play with BFG's (DOOM) or use your brain & steathfully manouvering through enemy encampments getting critical hit kills, oh the JOY!
Well, as the Brain says "are you pondering the same thing I'm pondering Pinkie" :nope: