I'm trying to play some Fallout 3 until Skyrim comes out; just beat New Vegas for the 2nd time. And therein lies my problem: New Vegas. To me, New Vegas took everything great about F3, and expanded on it greatly. Best of all were the characters, quests, and overall writing. It's making it really hard for me to get back into F3, which I once loved so much.
Anyone else had this issue?
I've felt exactly the same way, I know how you feel. As much as I love the destroyed Washington thing, I find that New Vegas has so much more content, especially without mods. Even though mods can create new enemies, weapons etc, but the main story always stays the same, and that is the main issue. I've also just beat New Vegas for the second time, but I have great ideas for the remaining two faction endings (in my case, Legion and House). I want to do them, but Skyrim has delayed those plans even though I'm not a swords and sorcery fan, or even an Elder Scrolls one, for that matter. Give me an assault rifle over an elven war axe any day.
But yes, New Vegas did expand on Fallout 3 in every way, except one - atmosphere. The destroyed Capital Wasteland is infinitely more interesting than the barren Mojave desert. But even so, I have two more playthroughs of New Vegas, as well as one more of Fallout 3 left (I want to get the fabled platinum trophy, only 20% left to go!). If it weren't for you, Skyrim, I'd being doing one of these two things by now! Grrrr.
You're not the only one to have done this, I know. So this isn't aimed directly at you, but against anyone who does this in general.
I find that to express one's opinion and follow it up with "/thread" is quite annoying. Are you seriously saying that you're opinion is so correct that no further discussion of this subject is of any worth? No, of course not. Even meant light heartedly, its quite arrogant.
Mild rant there, I know, but it had to be said.