Hard to play a bad guy?

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:50 am

I don't know about anyone else, but I find it really hard to play a bad character. I know it's only a game and has no consequences in the real world, but I still feel guilt when I'm trying to play an evil character. I've not managed a play through yet with a bad guy, but I'm going to give it another try.... just a soon as I've finished with my current good guy! lol.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:50 am

I think the game rewards good guys and pushes you towards being good. Very very rarely will you have to pass a speech check to do something bad....all of the XP rewards from such choices are always for the "good" choice or push you towards the "good" outcome of the quest.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:43 pm

My best playthrough (that I completed) so far was when I played as an evil woman. It was quite hard, making enemies everywhere, but she wasn't a serial killer, she had her allies too and didn't kill most of the people on sight (only some).
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Jack Walker
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:30 pm

Yeah I know what you mean. The only way I was able to play the "bad guy" was by stealing. I don't take pleasure in killing innocent civilians or taking the life of a soldier with a family waiting for him back home.

Currently doing a Legion playthrough where my gal is a ninja/spy. Goes in, steals documents, plants evidence, double crosses and assassinates without losing the trust of NCR.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:00 pm

I have trouble playing Cesars Legion, but not being bad. Its because when ever I go to Nipton and see the heads on pikes I just instantly hate Cesars Legion because I think of the terrorist in the middle east beheading people, and after watching the one video of the guy being beheaded it just makes me rage against Cesar. Can't stand the Legion.

But...I can do bad all by myself and have no problem.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:47 am

I never like being bad for the sake of being bad in these game. I usually do good playthroughs, just varying how I go about being good. Though every now and then, like I am doing now, I play as a fairly amoral character. If an innocents death benefits me enough, I'll kill them. For example, I was quite happy to kill a certain potential companion for a certain EW dealing group because I had no intentions of using her on this playthough.
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:27 pm

Well I never play a truly evil character either. But I'll play a selfish and oprotunist character as well, which inadvertantly leads to people hating him.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:56 pm

I always start out evil but then there's always something that makes me feel bad about it and I go back to being good. So I've just decided to be good except for my Caesars Legion character. Just being with them makes me feel evil enough.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:30 pm

I always end up playing nutural
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:43 am

There is really no challenge in being 'evil'. Morons excel at it....

These may only be computer games, but actions do affect the psyche. Play nice, "chillllldren".
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brian adkins
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:21 pm

Haha I feel the same way. Plus I think it makes the game less challenging. You always make more money when you are being evil.
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:35 pm

I think the game rewards good guys and pushes you towards being good. Very very rarely will you have to pass a speech check to do something bad....all of the XP rewards from such choices are always for the "good" choice or push you towards the "good" outcome of the quest.

Shocking, seeing how FO2 was exactly the same.

It is very hard to be evil, unless you are a homicidal maniac, which is impossible to roleplay in a sensible way. "Well I guess one day this here courier just went postal. I blame the 9mm in my brain".

So if you are a crazed killer, problem being there are NO dialogue options that a lunatic murderer would say.

I was evil for awhile. Then I killed some ghouls and poof, good. So I said screw it.

Ironically the game some hate, FO3, gave some great options to be evil. Can you say slaver? Also had some good dialogue options if you were an ahole. But none of the games have had a good evil option.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:07 am

I struggle playing games without being good. I'll almost always play a character in the way I would actually behave. However, I can quite easily have an evil character. But I can't have a cunning backstabber or of character. If I'm going to play evil, everything I do has to be evil. I have to hate the character.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:46 pm

its not hard at all to play a bad guy you just got to do it right.

1. do the quest as nomal and get xp.

2. after all quest in that reigen are comepleat kill the populas that you just worked so hard to earn there trust : )

3. after evearone is dead lute every thing that you want!!! i mostly just only take what i can carry and dont sell alot of stuff.

4. the things i do sell i do at my HQ. this is a town tord the begeaning of the game i predesignate to do bussness with and live in with a safe house.

5. just before the last quest i like to start at the NW corner of the map and do a last zig zag pattren over the waist to make shure i didnt leave anyone or thing alive that can be killed.

ps. have your good weapons stashed befor you do number 5 ( your finnal sweep of the AO)

thats how you play a bad guy. ive done this with the ncr and the strip. you just got to pick who not to kill. ive just started my leagen charictar. i hope i can go far with them. i think the moral of the game is there is no good or justifide side. its all [censored] but actions live on. i hurd fallout 4 is coming and i wish someone could conferm this? all my charicters are leaval 50 in exsept the one i started this morning and im really ready to play a new waist.

GET CAPS!!!!!!!
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:21 pm

I'v enever had that issue for me it's all about creating a goal or morality for that charecter, no one believes their evil so going in making a charecter just to be evil has never really worked for me sure I may go on a murderous rampage and loot everything but it was to but better equipment and further my goals, or because the town was an afront to my personal beliefs, or to send a message. I've found having a goal is extremely important for me when creating a character, being "evil" for no real reason just never feels right to me and usualoly makes no sense for the character.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:08 pm

I'm normally Neutral.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:37 am

I also find it hard to play the mania ridden killer. I feel that it is too easy and boring if the world is dead. And it feels so empty without named people. But it depends on your definition of a "bad guy." If I can create compelling storylines for a character, it makes a character so much more enjoyable and excusable.

I have many examples for this but I will just name a few. Garrett, from a game called "Thief" stole from the rich for personal gain. However, in the end he always ended up saving the world. In addition, in most societies stealing is a crime and an evil. But a Robin Hood character or even a careful thief is better than just stealing everthing from the world. Just like killing everyone, if you steal everthing without consequence or story, it becomes dull.

Take another look at murder. It would be a better scenario to be an assassin and "stalk" your prey. Rather than just killing everyone. Come up with a reason to kill someone (believe they are a spy, money, or just because) but it makes it better than killing everyone. Or just kill one town and make it your own. It is the luxury that you have with the Fallout series and more importantly Bethesda world.

So, with a good storyline, I find it easier to play a bad guy.

And I notice some people stated that they feel "punished" for being bad. I would have to agree in some aspects. If you kill a quest giver, you could miss out on some epic storyline in game. But isn't that a tradeoff? Also I think I read that speech checks are generally good. It may be true but in my recent playthrough, I remember a speech check that was threatful and disrespectful. You have to read the checks to pick which one your character would choose. It is the same as killing everyone. If you do every speech check, it would be boring, yes?

Thanks for listening to my ramble 8)
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:13 pm

its not hard at all to play a bad guy you just got to do it right.

1. do the quest as nomal and get xp.

2. after all quest in that reigen are comepleat kill the populas that you just worked so hard to earn there trust : )

3. after evearone is dead lute every thing that you want!!! i mostly just only take what i can carry and dont sell alot of stuff.

4. the things i do sell i do at my HQ. this is a town tord the begeaning of the game i predesignate to do bussness with and live in with a safe house.

5. just before the last quest i like to start at the NW corner of the map and do a last zig zag pattren over the waist to make shure i didnt leave anyone or thing alive that can be killed.

ps. have your good weapons stashed befor you do number 5 ( your finnal sweep of the AO)

thats how you play a bad guy. ive done this with the ncr and the strip. you just got to pick who not to kill. ive just started my leagen charictar. i hope i can go far with them. i think the moral of the game is there is no good or justifide side. its all [censored] but actions live on. i hurd fallout 4 is coming and i wish someone could conferm this? all my charicters are leaval 50 in exsept the one i started this morning and im really ready to play a new waist.

GET CAPS!!!!!!!

That isn't role playing a "evil" character. There is more to being evil than just killing people.

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Chris Guerin
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:36 pm

I don't have a problem being evil, I have a huge problem with my karma being good because of the ridiculous amount of karma points that you get for killing Power Gangers and Fiends.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:13 pm

That isn't role playing a "evil" character. There is more to being evil than just killing people.
It's a good start. In either case, evil is too simple a word to be applied to something as complex as a human being.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:53 am

1. Side with Powder Gangers and help them out.
2. Go to Quarry Junction and "put Snuffy out of it's misery".
3. Go to Primm and get the first issue resolved, but never help the town get a sheriff.
4. Go to Mojave Outpost, don't accept the clearing up the road quest but accept Ghosts, go to Vulpes, accept his, go back and talk to the Sgt and Ghost and tell them what Legion did.
5. Go to Searchlight and kill the one surviving non-feral ghoul there for being a "mutie bastard".
6. Go to Novac and first of all, make sure someone you don't like dies by Boone's hands, though it might be hard if you have NCR -rep.
7. Then go do the REPCONN mission, but asplode the rockets in the last second.

And so on.

Ain't that hard to play an evil person.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:00 pm

The problem for many people isn't knowing what evil actions exist in the game, it's committing those evil actions.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:57 pm

I think Legion is the hardest faction to side with, because once your allied with them everyone instantly hates your evil character across the majove.

Stealing to become evil isnt that bad though, I usually have Cass complain about me numerous times.
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Beat freak
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:33 am

1. Side with Powder Gangers and help them out.
2. Go to Quarry Junction and "put Snuffy out of it's misery".
3. Go to Primm and get the first issue resolved, but never help the town get a sheriff.
4. Go to Mojave Outpost, don't accept the clearing up the road quest but accept Ghosts, go to Vulpes, accept his, go back and talk to the Sgt and Ghost and tell them what Legion did.
5. Go to Searchlight and kill the one surviving non-feral ghoul there for being a "mutie bastard".
6. Go to Novac and first of all, make sure someone you don't like dies by Boone's hands, though it might be hard if you have NCR -rep.
7. Then go do the REPCONN mission, but asplode the rockets in the last second.

And so on.

Ain't that hard to play an evil person.

and so on? thats probably it.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:39 am

I was considered bad in Fallout 3 because I stole things everywhere I went.... not to mention in order to get out of a situation you had to shoot your way out.. Someone catches you stealing... boom they all go crazy.. I found it hard to be good in Fallout 3
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