Tomlong I have not had time to read through this lot so forgive me if this has been mentioned, noticed at the start of the thread you mention the full admin account....
To enable the full admin account should you need it, go to....
Start / All Programmes / Accessories /
Right click on Command Prompt, and run it as administrator (so you have a fully privilege elevated command prompt)
In the command window type (or copy paste the following line..)
net user administrator /active:yes
After a reboot the hidden full admin account is now enabled, dont forget to give it a good password.
Another useful tip for 7 is godmode
Right click desktop - New Shortcut
%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
Name = God Mode
Move icon to task Bar (you can now delete the desktop copy if you copied it from there instead of moved it).
This new icon, if you have no other windows explorer windows open, will start an advanced control panel, giving access to lots of settings not usually so easy to find.
If you have explorer windows open, this icon becomes a tab for the current opened explorer window.
Tweakguides has a massive downloadable pdf for win 7 too....
Just download the regular version

Edit: If you get frustrated with win 7's idea of having explorer windows open up the same size/position as the last one which was closed, get used to having a standard sized/positioned window - and when you want multiple windows open, just open the ones you want (say pictures, and documents at the same time for instance) now instead of dragging them around, right click on an empty space in your task bar and choose 'Show windows side by side' - To revert it choose 'Undo Show side by side', (not forgetting the last window you close will be the size/position of the next opened explorer window)
You can also drag a window all the way to the left or the right to auto size windows (using the top dragbar of an explorer window not the sides... as if you want to drag the whole window off screen)