So I've been thinking to myself since I ever started playing the game:
"ALRIGHT! Lets start up on hardcoe and see how far I can ma-- where are the hunger, thirst, and sleep counters?
Exactly. I've read the articles from PC gamer, and unfortunately it does indeed feel like the RPG atmosphere has been rather... thwarted... but still remains a good game.
Thing is though, while this may be crazy enough to say, the difficulty of survival simply is not enough of a challenge. Once I get my hands on any sniper or non-automatic rifle with a decent perception and make myself a rifleman, the game becomes a cake walk.
Having said this, an idea came to me:
"Survival simply makes all bullets and lasers hit harder, and the restoration time longer. Not to mention that raiders, monsters, and or creatures are harder to kill. However, some people wish to have the counters while still playing on an easier difficulty. Why not add a realism option?"
The same can go for a hardcoe mode. Survival difficulty and realism at the same time.
Wouldn't you fellow vault-boy's and gals say this should be added into next patch?
Please be aware that this game is completely science-based. When I was reading through the posts, there was mentioning of D&D being compared to this game. Which, as an outcome, makes ZERO SENSE. D&D uses a plentiful of imagination and mythology. FO4 uses the science field of what happens when something is exposed to radiation, and envelops a mutation: not to mention the FEV virus. True, it also uses imagination, but on a scale of realism between FO4 and D&D, D&D completely blows the scale up. Please keep the mentioning of D&D on the DL. I understand that FO4 can be used as a RPG, but like I said earlier, survival is one of the many hidden gems to a masterpiece like this.