hardcoe Mode [Part One]: No Fast Travel

Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:14 am

Doesn't your character earn that privelage by having to make that ourney on foot first, dangers and all, but only have the ability to go to places they have already been as a Reward?

fallout 3 style
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:44 am

fallout 3 style

AND Skyrim Style as well. And There's my point.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:05 pm

I don't think its a stalemate, nor do I think any of the concerns are legit.
What these people want is for everyone else to play the game their way, but what is fun for them is not always fun for everyone else.
"Don't like it? Don't use it." Is the most reasonable and basic argument. The game isn't forcing you to use fast travel.
So you don't have to use it if you don't want to, but taking it away would ruin the game for others, everyone plays differently and FT is keeping options open.

Utterly pointless. Not using it and turning it off, lead to the same conclusion.

exactly the point
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:49 am

I don't think its a stalemate, nor do I think any of the concerns are legit.
What these people want is for everyone else to play the game their way, but what is fun for them is not always fun for everyone else.
"Don't like it? Don't use it." Is the most reasonable and basic argument. The game isn't forcing you to use fast travel.
So you don't have to use it if you don't want to, but taking it away would ruin the game for others, everyone plays differently and FT is keeping options open.

Utterly pointless. Not using it and turning it off, lead to the same conclusion.

Would a simple option really be so hard! You talk of what is fun for one is not fun for all, well guess what, fast travel ain't fun for me!
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:08 am

http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1212981-the-skyrim-support-group/ The healing needs to start somewhere friends.
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El Goose
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:07 am

Doesn't your character earn that privelage by having to make that ourney on foot first, dangers and all, but only have the ability to go to places they have already been as a Reward?

This is very true, and I have edited my post to reflect that.

Read it again, please. :)
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james reed
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:53 pm

Did I say it shouldn't be in the game? We can let our enemies get a few good hits on us for a more challenging experience... but we will usually increase the difficulty.

You said it should be "simply optional." I am saying that it is already simply optional. Why should I be penalized for using a feature simply for the fact that you think I shouldn't be using it? My use or dis-use of fast-travel has no bearing whatsoever on your game. If you are not going to use it, will you simply sit around knowing that players like myself who do use it are playing the game wrong, and by the way I hope they get some penalty because they don't like to roleplay thier "walking' skill? I don't really want the difference to be "boring or challenging."
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:28 am

You said it should be "simply optional." I am saying that it is already simply optional. Why should I be penalized for using a feature simply for the fact that you think I shouldn't be using it? My use or dis-use of fast-travel has no bearing whatsoever on your game. If you are not going to use it, will you simply sit around knowing that players like myself who do use it are playing the game wrong, and by the way I hope they get some penalty because they don't like to roleplay thier "walking' skill? I don't really want the difference to be "boring or challenging."

You can use it anyway you like, fine by me, did I ever say fast travel should be used by nobody cause I hate it? I myself will likely use it the first time round to help me get used to the game and the world. But is implementing a toggle really the hardest thing on Bethesda's part? The fast travel feature always just seems to be staring me in the face, daring me to use it, even for the shortest of distances, and I know there are people who agree with me.

So could Bethesda give an option for those who feal pressured into using it like me? Would you have a problem with that?
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john page
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:36 pm

lol 3 pages about fast travel. the OP just stated it to be disabled in hardcoe mode, not in the whole game ( and there are alternative methods like carriages that were also confirmed. Though the idea of making a camp sounds redundant, because like said above - Skyrim is big, but not that big enough. I don't see the point of making camps ( to hunt and cook food - you can eat raw food and vegetables a well).
As for hardcoe mode - hell yea! It does not take that much resources to make, and it would appeal to a large portion of the hardcoe TES gamers. And best of all you have a choice to use it or not, so i don't see where is the problem?! And not to make it pointless ( and not just like " yea i finished the game in hardcoe mode, just to prove myself i could") the devs could make achievements for finishing main and sidequests in hardcoemode!
And again STOP bashing in the fast travel feature, this is not a thread about that!
I Hope hardcoe mode makes the final cut. :celebration:
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:11 pm

Fast Travel is a manner of representing your character's power, by allowing him to skip past the mundane events of the roads that would have posed a significant challenge to a newcomer. Therefore, to give the player a means of skipping them right from the start ruins that notion.

This violates the ideas of exploration and progression by giving the player immediate access to a "just do it for me" button, which removes challenge. Games are all about overcoming challenge. Ergo, Oblivion did it way wrong. Skyrim simply cannot do it the same way without solidly confirming that Bethesda is clearly trying to dumb the game down.

Understood and disagreed with. I do not roleplay like you do. Fast travel means nothing to my character. Fast travel is a means for me to get my character from point A to point B without getting completely bored because I've made my character walk this path ten times already. I do not play games to overcome challenge; I play games to be entertained. You are attempting to tell me how I should view my character and how I should feel about playing my game. Now we're back to the "you're playing it wrong." We will simply have to agree to disagree.
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:46 am

If a fast travel feature is in the game with no toggle to turn it off (and sorry console gamers who would also like a toggle)

How long before we see a mod to disable it?

It is amazing though, this thread started as a hardcoe mode thread about disabling certain features while adding others (need for food, drinking, etc.)
how quickly it got de-railed into a No-Fast-Travel Vs. Fast-Travel thread. And no-one was arguing against fast travel in game, merely an option to turn it off in-case of lapses of judgement.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:02 am

Understood and disagreed with. I do not roleplay like you do. Fast travel means nothing to my character. Fast travel is a means for me to get my character from point A to point B without getting completely bored because I've made my character walk this path ten times already. I do not play games to overcome challenge; I play games to be entertained. You are attempting to tell me how I should view my character and how I should feel about playing my game. Now we're back to the "you're playing it wrong." We will simply have to agree to disagree.

Whereas what I am trying to argue is that challenge and entertainment work hand-in-hand with the game industry. It's a lot more fun and satisfying to make the player feel like he's just accomplished something than it is to just hand everything to him and say "go nuts." But there are others who think otherwise and you have proven that.

Obviously my way of thinking will not mesh with people who prefer instant gratification. I recognize that. But at the same time, let me ask a slightly different question: if goal-oriented vs. instant gratification gaming does not mesh, why is Bethesda trying to appeal to both? Sounds to me like a recipe for disaster. Isn't that the whole reason these arguments are starting in the first place?
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:13 am

So could Bethesda give an option for those who feal pressured into using it like me? Would you have a problem with that?

I would have no problem at all with that. I will use or not use whatever features Bethesda puts in the game. That's one of the reasons that I like to play Bethesda's games.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:09 am

I would have no problem at all with that. I will use or not use whatever features Bethesda puts in the game. That's one of the reasons that I like to play Bethesda's games.


I got kind of emotional there.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:31 pm

If a fast travel feature is in the game with no toggle to turn it off (and sorry console gamers who would also like a toggle)

How long before we see a mod to disable it?

It is amazing though, this thread started as a hardcoe mode thread about disabling certain features while adding others (need for food, drinking, etc.)
how quickly it got de-railed into a No-Fast-Travel Vs. Fast-Travel thread. And no-one was arguing against fast travel in game, merely an option to turn it off in-case of lapses of judgement.

They are arguing for a blanket option that disables fast travel while adding food etc. I'd like to try a mode where you have to eat and such but fast travel is merely a convenience and while I always explore on foot I don't want to do it every single time I make a mundane errand. I'd prefer a submenu for stuff like this rather than just a blanket mode.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:49 am

How long before we see a mod to disable it?

Sounds good to me.

End of discussion! :thumbsup: (well not really, since we weren't really discussing the actual topic, but... whatever man!)
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:00 pm

They are arguing for a blanket option that disables fast travel while adding food etc. I'd like to try a mode where you have to eat and such but fast travel is merely a convenience and while I always explore on foot I don't want to do it every single time I make a mundane errand. I'd prefer a submenu for stuff like this rather than just a blanket mode.

That's the point isn't it? It's called hardcoe for a reason. (try and think of a good example)

Like the Gran Turismo Series, most of the races were anywhere between 5 and an hour long, but for those who felt they wanted a challenge (and sleep deprivation) could try the 24 and 48 hour endurance races. (maybe not the best example)

Playing on hardcoe mode is meant to make the game as hard as possible without causing you to die every 2 footsteps. In fallout it meant fighting for your survival, it should mean the same in Skyrim too. Using the Alternate Fast Travel system they have in place should be enough if you are playing on hardcoe mode (Carriages) or else whats the point of even having them in the first place (besides as a means to get the 5 main cities on your map early on in the game just to fast travel)
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:56 am

Whereas what I am trying to argue is that challenge and entertainment work hand-in-hand with the game industry. It's a lot more fun and satisfying to make the player feel like he's just accomplished something than it is to just hand everything to him and say "go nuts." But there are others who think otherwise and you have proven that.

Obviously my way of thinking will not mesh with people who prefer instant gratification. I recognize that. But at the same time, let me ask a slightly different question: if goal-oriented vs. instant gratification gaming does not mesh, why is Bethesda trying to appeal to both? Sounds to me like a recipe for disaster. Isn't that the whole reason these arguments are starting in the first place?

You are creating a conflict where none exists. All of the tools to either pursue a goal-oriented versus instant-gratification (which I consider to be a rather snide insult, by the way) playstyle are there. Bethesda is attempting to appeal to both people who like to role-play (such as you) as well as people who like to play role-playing games (such as I) because they want more people to buy their games. I would have thought that part was obvious. What I don't understand is the resistance to including other gamers.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:23 am

There's nothing 'hardcoe' about having to eat and drink nor does taking real life time to walk everywhere add to the difficulty.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:13 pm

What these people want is for everyone else to play the game their way

No. Please don't presume that on everyone else's part. That might be true of some people, it's certainly not true of all. I'm one example of that. I'd just like to be able to turn fast travel off to suit my personal preference.

Utterly pointless. Not using it and turning it off, lead to the same conclusion.

No, that's not true, is it? The fast travel option was present in Oblivion everytime you opened the world map. We don't know if that will be the case in Skyrim, but the fast travel option is unlikely to be hidden away somewhere you can't see it.

In lots of games, including TES games, there are options to turn things on and off to suit your preferences. Some games give you the option to not quit without saving, for example. Like fast travel, you could self-impose this rule on yourself. But here's a catch: When you're playing games, you experience triumphant moments and moments which feel like defeats. Defeats can be very annoying. So without the predetermined Yes/No option, you're fairly unlikely to enforce this rule of yourself.

There's a serious problem with people determining that because the feature they want in the game is in (fast travel) the opposing side's concerns are irrelevant. Consider, for example, if time rewind was in the game. They use this in FORZA 3 I believe. In Skyrim, if you died, you could rewind time and you'd be alive again. You could keep doing this indefinately until you defeated your opponent. This is an exercise in empathy. Imagine this feature was confirmed to be in the game. Would you be using the argument "don't like it, don't use it?"

Please answer honestly.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:41 am

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWizDna1XO4 This sounds like an excellent Idea to me! I really hope they implement a hardcoe mode, and all these ideas you posted just jive. :celebration:
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:42 pm

There's nothing 'hardcoe' about having to eat and drink.

Have you played Fall-out? if you haven't, it's a post apocalyptic world where food and water are hard to come by, Hard-core mode is means of adding actual faults if you didn't eat and drink in such a world. Sure, it would make more sense as "Survival Mode" or something like that, but it's a layer of difficulty for those that want it.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:06 pm

Eating, drinking, and lack of fast travel all have nothing to do with challenge in TES. Again, this is why I think an options sub-menu is more appropriate than a blanket option with a cheesy name. A cheesy name like "hardcoe mode" makes sense for Fallout, but not for TES in my opinion. I'm not saying I don't want those options there, but certainly not as a blanket one size fits all option with a cheesy name.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:49 am

I want hardcoe mode in Skyrim!!!
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:13 pm

I agree, in a hardcoe mode.

It would:

-give inns purpose

-give horses purpose

-give the carriage system purpose

+1 - I think what we are looking for is a way to make the game more difficult to complete; meaning trips must be planned;
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