What these people want is for everyone else to play the game their way
No. Please don't presume that on everyone else's part. That might be true of some people, it's certainly not true of all. I'm one example of that. I'd just like to be able to turn fast travel off to suit my personal preference.
Utterly pointless. Not using it and turning it off, lead to the same conclusion.
No, that's not true, is it? The fast travel option was present in Oblivion everytime you opened the world map. We don't know if that will be the case in Skyrim, but the fast travel option is unlikely to be hidden away somewhere you can't see it.
In lots of games, including TES games, there are options to turn things on and off to suit your preferences. Some games give you the option to not quit without saving, for example. Like fast travel, you could self-impose this rule on yourself. But here's a catch: When you're playing games, you experience triumphant moments and moments which feel like defeats. Defeats can be very annoying. So without the predetermined Yes/No option, you're fairly unlikely to enforce this rule of yourself.
There's a serious problem with people determining that because the feature they want in the game is in (fast travel) the opposing side's concerns are irrelevant. Consider, for example, if time rewind was in the game. They use this in FORZA 3 I believe. In Skyrim, if you died, you could rewind time and you'd be alive again. You could keep doing this indefinately until you defeated your opponent. This is an exercise in empathy. Imagine this feature was confirmed to be in the game. Would you be using the argument "don't like it, don't use it?"
Please answer honestly.