- Inns now are useful: In TES4, almost nobody used inns unless they were quest-related. Now, on the long trek to your objective, you will need to use inns to rest up and get a head start on the next day. Seeing as in hardcoe mode sleep, hunger, and thirst will affect the player, it seems like an obvious pro.
- More immersive: Now the player can fully appreciate all the hard work that Bethesda's designers went through in making such a beautiful environment, instead of just walking the path once then never returning again.
- More use of natural geography: Now along the road the player will have to stop and rest, and that means making an improvised camp if there are no towns or inns nearby. Clearing a cave of beasties or even just under a tree, it is far more immersive for the player, and can also help in finding good loot and getting more experience.
- Alternate transport: Allows for different ways to transport relatively quicker than walking alone such as ships, riverboats, or carriages.
Those are just a few I came up with on the spot, but later on I'll add more. If anyone has a list of cons please post them and I'll put them in the OP.