hey guys i was thinking today about things that i would like in the next elder scrolls game as far as hardcoe mode goes. one thing i would definetly like to see is a much more important food/drink/sleep system. unlike in fallout hardcoe mode when i could run around for days and not have any real consequences and even if i decided not to sllep for weeks a few hours of sleep could correct that. i would really like the game to be more realistic in the sense you know like instead of going a few days without eating make eating have consequences in the first day. make it so that people can actually only go a couple days without water and the effects start to add up really fast.the reason i wanted sleep to be more realistic is because i would really like to have to make decisions based on what i am. i get pretty groggy after a day of no sleep so why shouldnt my character do the same. the main thing i was thinking though is that it would add a whole new perspective on the game like , if i am a rouge do i want to risk the effects of less sleep if it means my targets will be unaware? if i am a vampire do i want to sleep all day and do most of my questing during the night.just some of my thoughts what kind of things do you guys want to see?