hardcoe Mode "Special Reward"

Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:58 am

I haven't played hardcoe mode yet but this was kind of a let down...


Apparently the special reward is the achievment itself. Have achievments reached such a level in our gaming society that we consider them a "special reward" in and of themselves?

I remember back in the day when you played a video game uphill both ways in the snow with a notepad and pencil while angry wolves were chasing you and the only "achievment marker" you got was a pile of empty Mountain Dew cans beside your desk... umm... I forgot where I was going with that... Shouldn't I be in bed?
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:27 am

I haven't played hardcoe mode yet but this was kind of a let down...


Apparently the special reward is the achievment itself. Have achievments reached such a level in our gaming society that we consider them a "special reward" in and of themselves?

I remember back in the day when you played a video game uphill both ways in the snow with a notepad and pencil while angry wolves were chasing you and the only "achievment marker" you got was a pile of empty Mountain Dew cans beside your desk... umm... I forgot where I was going with that... Shouldn't I be in bed?

Yeah, it's disappointing, isn't it?

Thankfully, it's my -only- disappointment with this game so far.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:48 am

and yet some people just cant live without there achievements. the really sad thing is that they are utterly and completely meaningless since most games you can cheat and add achievement through console codes or save editors like for borderlands and mass effect. i dont mind the ones that you get for killing 1000 enemies with rolling pin or running backwards 5 ingame miles, the ones i absolutely cant stand and hate with a passion are the ones that you get for simply completing a quest. cause i need an achievement to pop up and let me know that i finished the "kill Zog" quest.............well gee whiz............i kinda figured that out when i actually [censored] killed Zog. but thanks for letting me know about it with a [censored] [censored] popup message which ironically shows up after the quest complete message sometimes. im getting told twice in game that i just killed a guy that i just killed with my freaking weapon. what has gaming come to. achievements in general are stupid and [censored].
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:42 am

Personally I think an option to create a new character with a couple of extra perks or better SPECIALs would have been an excellent reward.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:54 am

Well, since you can't play on after the beginning - I don't see what sort of in-game reward there could possibly be for playing through, then finishing the game in hardcoe mode.

(Though, like you said - I could see an option for a "New Game +" sort of thing. But if that were going to be an option, I think it would also be applicable to non-hardcoe play-throughs, as well.)
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:45 pm

and yet some people just cant live without there achievements. the really sad thing is that they are utterly and completely meaningless since most games you can cheat and add achievement through console codes or save editors like for borderlands and mass effect. i dont mind the ones that you get for killing 1000 enemies with rolling pin or running backwards 5 ingame miles, the ones i absolutely cant stand and hate with a passion are the ones that you get for simply completing a quest. cause i need an achievement to pop up and let me know that i finished the "kill Zog" quest.............well gee whiz............i kinda figured that out when i actually [censored] killed Zog. but thanks for letting me know about it with a [censored] [censored] popup message which ironically shows up after the quest complete message sometimes. im getting told twice in game that i just killed a guy that i just killed with my freaking weapon. what has gaming come to. achievements in general are stupid and [censored].

The only achievements worse than the congrats, you did a quest ones are the stupid viral ones. Why do I care if I played an online match with someone that either played against Tim Schafer or someone who played someone who played against Tim Schafer. I can understand an achievement for doing an epic quest chain that had some chance of failure, like a wrong decision screwed it.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:38 am

I don't put much weight in achievements themselves, but I do kind of like being able to check out my achievement list and see how quickly/slowly I played through the game.

On a side note, I just got the hardcoe mode achievement about 5 minutes ago.
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:43 pm

Well, since you can't play on after the beginning - I don't see what sort of in-game reward there could possibly be for playing through, then finishing the game in hardcoe mode.

(Though, like you said - I could see an option for a "New Game +" sort of thing. But if that were going to be an option, I think it would also be applicable to non-hardcoe play-throughs, as well.)

How would a New Game + work for a level 30 character though? I can't imagine anything besides starting off all enemies at a super duper very hard mode or something....

Then again, I haven't put much thought into it, holy [censored] I'm tired.
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:17 pm

Apparently the special reward is the achievment itself.

Face, meet palm :facepalm: Oh well, i don't need a apecial reward, "the journey is more important than the destination", or something?
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:46 pm

A Fallout Hint Book would have been nice.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:54 am

I guess playing through on hardcoe mode is no sort of reward in and of itself.

You kids. :shakehead:
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:25 pm

Mr. New Vegas himself says it: It's not the destination, it's the journey!
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:44 am

The hardcoe mode is the reward.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:31 am

The hardcoe mode is the reward.

That only works for people playing a good guy with a strong moral compass. The mercenaries, like me, want a monetary reward!

I say, if you complete the game in hardcoe mode, Bethesda pays you 10,000 bottle caps, IRL.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:33 pm

How would a New Game + work for a level 30 character though? I can't imagine anything besides starting off all enemies at a super duper very hard mode or something....

Then again, I haven't put much thought into it, holy [censored] I'm tired.


New Game+ doesn't always include starting at the same level you finished the first run at. Frequently, it's just "start a new game at level 1 again, but here's a few extra perks. And some new quests / difficulties / outfits have unlocked."
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:53 am

The Best reward for completing the game on hardcoe mode is the option to play a new game with -1 to all stats. If you already beat the game the last thing you really need is something that makes it easier. Subsequent beaten games would reduce the stats further making it harder and harder to succeed.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:34 am

Talking of Achievments, I am gutted that they have taken out Games for Windows Live for NV. Personally I couldn't care less about Steam achievments but enjoyed adding to my gamer score on Fallout 3. :( So if this is the only reward for hardcoe then it is very disappointing.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:20 pm

It's the Achievement? How is that special at all? All I have to do is check the Achievement list to see that there's an Achievement for beating the game on hardcoe mode. It's no different than beating a game on a hard difficulty. I was hoping for an Avatar Award at the least.

Ah, well, I'm still enjoying hardcoe mode.
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:16 am

Talking of Achievments, I am gutted that they have taken out Games for Windows Live for NV. Personally I couldn't care less about Steam achievments but enjoyed adding to my gamer score on Fallout 3. :( So if this is the only reward for hardcoe then it is very disappointing.

Same. Also a bit disappointed to the hardcoe mode 'special' reward... All that hub-bub at the start when activating hardcoe mode for this... A dinky steam achievement. Just finished it on VH/hardcoe mode, a bit disappointed lol
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:24 pm

Well, since you can't play on after the beginning - I don't see what sort of in-game reward there could possibly be for playing through, then finishing the game in hardcoe mode.

The pre-order DLC shows that your "account" can have special items attached to it, so they could have done something where getting the hardcoe achievement gets you a special weapon or armor to use later on. Dragon Age: Origins did something similar.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:48 pm

That only works for people playing a good guy with a strong moral compass. The mercenaries, like me, want a monetary reward!

I say, if you complete the game in hardcoe mode, Bethesda pays you 10,000 bottle caps, IRL.

I'd take $1USD.
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:53 am

Free DLC for every major title published by Bethesda. That would be a true hardcoe reward.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:22 pm

I don't care that the reward is so puny, but I'm a little :mellow: that they hype it up and then it turns out to be so puny. They don't hype up any other Achievement, nor should they. Can you imagine if a big popup window filled the screen every time you got a quest? "You just received the Walk Across Town quest!! Complete the quest to get a SPECIAL REWARD!! Do you agree to take this quest??"
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:38 pm

Free DLC for every major title published by Bethesda. That would be a true hardcoe reward.

This, or how about a promise from Bethesda that they will abandon the DLC model entirely and go back to full-fledged expansion packs? I can't be the only person who misses those.
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Post » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:27 pm

I think it would be nice if we got a Newgame+, with the following features:

NEWGAME+ (You can start a Newgame+ with a Newgame+ savefile, and after the credits.)
-Reset to LV1.
-Karmic balance set to neutral.
-Activate or deactivate as many traits as desired.
-six change operation, and renaming becomes available.
-Carry over perks from previous games with an character.
-Keep your chosen Tags, and get an additional Tag every 10 levels.
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