» Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:59 pm
I'm a fan of playing and liking the hardcoe modes on most games as I like the extra challenge and realism that's usually brought into force, and while I initially tried the hardcoe mode of NV and did my best to like it and understand its dynamics, in the end I soon turned it off because I thought it was just dumb and I couldn't fathom how a lot of elements were supposedly more realistic or enjoyable.
First thing that I noticed right away and that annoyed me to no end was the water situation. I like the idea of having to manage your hydration levels, but right away you find yourself with the great luck of actually being close to a very large and clean and free source of water! And what is there plenty of just lying all around? Empty whiskey bottles and stuff. So in real life, problem sorted. Plenty of clean water, plenty of containers. No more issues. But no, in this you have to buy or loot water, or get specific 'ingredients' just to make daft cactus water at a campsite, or keep returning to water sources to manage it. So as far as I could see, water management wouldn't be an issue if it was being realistic. Few whiskey bottles - fill 'em up. Carry with you. Refill as necessary. End of. No challenge whatsoever. And the fact that anything even remotely alcoholic would only dehydrate you even more was ridculous - drinking a spirit, sure, but just drinking a beer doesn't hydrate you at all? That's BS.
Next thing is sleep. Again, I like the idea of having to rest or suffer penalties because of tiredness. But again, I just COULD NOT FATHOM the daftness of the system in place for that. If you were a hardcoe joe in the wilderness, you could rest anywhere if you really needed to, providing you're protected from critters or such - you wouldn't HAVE to find a designated, damn bed just to sleep. Not being able to just sleep or rest anywhere is just daft (unless you're in a dangerous spot). I could accept that a bed in a sheltered area would be more restful than a rock in the desert, but still, if it was realistic then sleep would not be an issue - easy to mange and take care of. Not that sleep is hard to manage in hardcoe mode, but the method just annoys me. It's not realistic at all.
Food wouldn't be an issue either with the amount of big, meaty critters just begging to be carved up and cooked round every other corner. Eating the meat from even a single full sized gecko would keep you stuffed for days.
Limb damage? Really hacked me off. I liked the idea of having to go see a doctor to sort a limb that was actually crippled, but limbs that aren't crippled and are only partially damaged in some way, to not have them heal when you rest, even just a little at a time, is another annoyance and isn't realistic either. The body does heal (to a point) on its own - it's perfectly reasonable to have unbroken or not seriously injured limbs gradually heal over time, especially when resting. The fact that they don't is another dynamic I couldn't accept. Not realistic, just daft. Potentially having to go pay a doc every single day before I head out just to sort out my limbs which never ever recover any damage on their own no matter how long you might rest is just an annoyance, not extra realism.
Ammo being weighted and stimpacks not healing instantly WERE points I did like the challenge of and that actually made perfect sense, but all the other unnecessary and unrealistic tedium just made 'hardcoe' mode pointless to me.
Last thing that concerned me as well with hardcoe was companions being able to die. I like the idea of it in theory - you're going to care a lot more if you know they can actually get permanently wasted, but at the same time, considering how LITTLE control you really have over your companions and their actual mentality in combat, and how incredibly daft they can be, it's easy to see how they could needlessly die in the face of dangerous threats purely down to their own scatty AI and your inability to manage or command them realistically - rather than them dying because you didn't play well or care enough or equip them properly.
So no, in my humble opinion, I don't recommend hardcoe for a first playthrough. I think it's pants.
Each to their own though.