Co-op in fallout, I think (for many reasons which should be fairly obvious) you'd have to only be able to do this in hardcoe, which i'm fine with.
Possible problems:
- It's online so regardless how close to a LAN connection you can get via third party applications, it's still the internet, which requires hosting. Could cause a stupid amount of problems.
- The game is based off of an... I dunno what to call it, instance driven world? It's specifically created for ONE person. So getting around the fact that there's 2 people in this world now doing different things, could prove problematic.
- You'd have to disable VATS as well as the "pausing" ability of opening menus. No time freezes allowed in this mode. (best plan your battles amazingly) though, allow some hotkeys for items? :]
- (insert other things here, that's just off the top of my head)
Solutions: (as my naive mind sees it)
- Well ok, I can't really see a way around the hosting so much, but considering it's only 2 people and hardcoe that means even LESS people doing this, dedicated servers a possiblity?
- My thought was to make one person take the (in game terms more or less) role of a follower.
This would include the following main attributes to gameplay:
- ALL menus (that I can think of) would be controlled by the dominant player, but would be seen in full by player 2. (could add a faded selection that would move but be unable to click, if need be for communication?)
- Certain instances would have to change priority of followers (ceasers tent, mr. houses area, etc)
- More or less one person would just take an active (and fully immersed) role of a companion. (this would also mean you won't be allowed to recruit any PERMANENT companions while in coop)
- As the secondary player you have no control over dialogue choices, talking to people, but possibly shops could be re-worked so they can still manage their own inventory selling/buying? As with workbenches/repair stations.
- Just keep the game as close to a single player driven world as possible, with someone on for the ride with a few extra priviledges past that of our normal AI companions.
Finally you'd only be able to play together (if that made coding easier for instances in the world changing per person) and you'd have to pick this option from the start.
I know it'd only be for those who really were into this game, but there's a lot of us and I believe it would be an amazing experience.
To end this off, let me know how stupid my idea is, or if it even has the slightest sliver of possibility. Cheers guys, have an awesome day