hardcoe Question?

Post » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:30 am

Yes magical containers should remain only a theory...in FO games....

Was more thinking about enemies, really - enemies always respawn on the exactly same spot and so forth, so if you wanted to get a load of loot to sell, just travel to a certain spot (like The Mall), slaughter the enemies there and voila, you have a pile of enemies with vaulable loot worth several thousand caps. And when you return the nxt day (or however it was), they'll be up and about again, with new, valuable loot... <_< .

In reality this would be nice :D

Sorta, I guess :laugh:
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:08 am

I love the idea of you dying of thirst etc if you fast-travel too far without water/food. Makes perfect sense.

I would say that auto-resolving enounters (based on skill, health etc) sounds good too. Except it would lead to too many "wtf???!!!" s if you fast-travel and it says "you died in a firefight" at the end. That's a bit too extreme and sudden, even for a game like this. Maybe it would generate random enounters, and if you came across a deathclaw/raiders etc while fast-travelling it would stop the travel at that point and pull you into the fight. Then you could fast-travel the rest of the way, or not.
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Jessica Lloyd
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