Hey guys and girls, just wanted to get your opinions on this and see if any of you feel the same way I do.
Like many of you, I've always been one to go out of my way to avoid fast travelling, but it's much harder for me to avoid it in Fallout 4. I don't know if it's the fact that real-life me has a full-time job now, I'm older, or what. But I do know that "junk items" have a huge impact on it. I collect everything now, and I'm sure a lot of you do the same. But because of that, I reach my weight capacity so quickly. I started fast travelling to Sanctuary, would drop off my things, do my settlement stuff, and fast travel back to wherever I left off. Then I realized, after getting a bunch of other settlements established, gathering crops from all of them became a thing. So I decided to allow myself to fast travel to settlements as well. Started making these house rules, but it's still a love and hate kinda dilemma, simply because I never used fast travel before (with the exception of Morrowind's multiple built-in systems, and Skyrim's carriages, which were brilliant). But I can't even imagine the amount of time I would have spent up until now walking back and forth to Sanctuary if I hadn't started fast travelling.
It's just so much harder for me to avoid it in this game compared to previous titles (which, to their credit, usually never gave you a reason to pick up turpentine or battered clipboards, or every last box of Abraxo that you came across).
It's certainly not causing me to enjoy the game any less though. Just wanted to see if there was anyone out there that felt the same.