Well anyways, playing a "cowboy" makeup and whew! OWB is kicking my butt, thank god im not doing a D.I.D. toon or else id be pissed. Playign on Very Hard, logains loophole, etc and im doing good, its just those damn spawns just spawning outta nowhere 2 feet in front of me. The set npcs, no prob i still die here and there but usually come up with a battleplan and wha lah, but the spawns? Spawns are hanging me out to dry. I know i could run away but dammit, im the type of person who goes down fighting, so retreat is not an option. I mean i have tried to get to a spot thats advantages to me, but when they spawn they are like 3 feet in front/behind me and on my hindend like a fatboy chasing a magical twinkie. So does LR have those random 3 feet away from u spawns outta nowhere?