I haven't played a character that has been into ripping people off yet...my whole argument is that good characters have a hard time getting in
My character is listed as "Very Evil" yet she isn't necessarily evil. She completes all of the quests the "good" way and will not murder any innocents. Her only flaw was that she was a kleptomaniac, stealing whatever wasn't tied down when people weren't looking(she felt ashamed that she was stealing, so she did it when people couldn't see her).
However, she was stuck in the middle of the wastes with nothing to eat and was starving...at least until a Raider tried to rob her. That was when she developed the taste for the "forbidden" food. Soylent Green has nothing compared to the exploits of Daphne. :blush2:
So in the end she is just a cannibalistic klepto that has her heart in the right place...or yours. :whistling:
(I will admit that I fudged the character a bit. I used the console to get the Cannibal perk near the beginning as I think that level 12 is way too high to have to wait to choose it.)