But then there is Haribo gummy, especially those gummy bears "Haribo Goldb?ren" when I eat those my teeth ache and this has been happening for a long long time, I′ve had many yearly visits to the dentist (just yearly checks, nothing related to the gummy bears in specific) since this started happening and never have I had any problems. And not only that I can eat anything else just fine, stuff my mouth with chocolate covered liquorice = fine, eat ice cream with a ton of candy = fine, drink soda like a madman and let it sit in my mouth = fine, eat snacks such as doritos = fine, melting sugar with some water and cocoa mass with butter in a pot and practically pour it on my teeth = fine. But if I start to chomp on Haribo gummy bears (or Goldb?ren) my teeth just go crazy!
Excuse the language but WTF ? What is with those gummy bears ? Anyone else experience this, any ideas why this happens and how to make it stop ? Really enjoying some gummy bears has turned into a sadistic ritual for me by now.