It must just be my lack of perceptiveness. I'm so used to the huge difference between harvested and un-harvested, that It startles me when nothing happens. I'm still going through my mesh replacers to see if anything changed the plant, but I don't quite get how the change is implemented.
When you "pick" flora, what is actually changed? Is the unharvested mesh changed to a harvested one or is it a texture change? I installed a new mountain flower tex replacer and though there is just one tex and one normal per color (not including ingredients), the bush definitely changes in-game. However, the remaining flowers on the bush after harvest do look like the replacer version.
If I'm grasping this concept, each plant is made up of several "billboards" and harvesting removes most, but not all of those billboards. Maybe, since the Dragon's Tongue is a flower on a stalk, there is only one billboard and it's all or nothing? If this is the case, I would prefer nothing, since it makes my brain itch to think the PC is picking a flower stalk and nothing disappears. If I were cutting irises or gladiolas, I would cut the whole stalk, not just pull off a single flower.
It reminds me of one of Wiseman's fixes. It always made me laugh to think the PC was carefully butchering pheasants, fish and rabbits, leaving the skins intact. Wiseman simply set it up so the whole thing disappears when each one is harvested. I can see my character shoving a fish in her backpack on the run, but she's no taxidermist, taking only the meat and leaving the carcass pristine.