Lol, I've seen that before on 360. I think that there is a default way of how they are listed in the behind-the-scenes area, something us on console can only speculate about, while those on PC can probably see.
For the record: I envision that this area where npcs are listed looks like place.
I've seen that where I have battled necromancers or conjurers underground. Never above. I've revisited the place, in my case, it's usually because I have a (imaginary) lockpick case that can only hold ten lockpicks, as I usually open all locks by spell only, except the very hard one, which I have not yet acquired that spell..... sooooooo I'm returning for another go at a chest usually. It certainly freaked the living poo poo out of me the first time I saw it. It was like the Exorcist or something.

I got them to come down with an AOE fireball.