Yes. However, it took a little over 50 hours (probably more, this was the game clock), 21 Freezes, multiple bugs and glitches, and missing companions. By the end of it I can't find Rex no matter what I do, and Veronica won't follow me when I hire her, she just tries to initiate dialogue. The freezing seems to get worse the more I progress in the game. For lack of a better description, this is absolutely ridiculous. I feel ashamed that I paid for this game.
I will give the advice I always do on Fallout Games. Never reload a game from inside the game. If you are going to reload, quit out and restart. The game doesn't release memory correctly. Also, if you fast travel ( or just play a long time) and load too many textures the game will start stuttering when you zone in. If this happens, don't cross your fingers and hope for the best.... save and quit right there. You are certain to crash within a few minutes.
If you follow that tip, your crashing/lockups will be down to a minimum. Won't solve it all, but will be much less. You just have to be consistant with it. Save, Quit, Reload.
While I can see how that would help, the fact that we even need to do that is [censored] (Edit: Really? That got censored? Geez... okay, the fact that we need to do that is mentally handicapped). This is the very reason I probably will never plat this game, or even see the other endings. I'm just flat out fed up.