Happened one time when i helped them out. It actually didn't blow up at all! ONE TIME! There is a mod that makes them more sturdy, which i intend to use later on
Happened one time when i helped them out. It actually didn't blow up at all! ONE TIME! There is a mod that makes them more sturdy, which i intend to use later on
Brotherhood squad landing just over from the Red Rocket Settlement, with a dog along.
Well I'll be......*Hands kralore five bucks*
They land sometimes. The first time I saw them land was at the Weston Water Plant. It was obviously a scripted event as I was there to do a mission for the robots at Gray Garden. BOS and the Gunners were going at it. During the chaos, one of the Gunners hijacked the Vertibird and used it against the BOS. I shot it down. That was that. Sometimes if you go back to the water plant, you'll see BOS and the Gunners battling again. The game seems to repeat the event as if it had never happened. I discovered a similar incident near the Amphitheater where a Vertibird is circling around a nearby building before it gets shot down and lands on or near the Amphitheater. It's happened at least 4 times in my experience.
yea everytime im in a fight out in the country side - and i hear that Vbird coming - i think to myself "omg i better clear this area quick before that thing kamikazes right into me"
Well if by land you mean smash into the nearest building & explode into several large fiery pieces then yes I have seen them land thousands of times
Only at the city edges I ever see them get to land but in the city areas the poor things get slaughtered even by raider groups that only have pipe weapons! Buff the vertibirds please! They are a sad sight!
I've seen them land many times.
Just because it happens to be accompanied by an absence of lift and thrust does not mean it isn't a landing.
Probably from all the liberated armories and depots the Brotherhood has found throughout the US. I'm guessing the Prydwen has a supply chain since their operation in Boston is considered a battle. It's supposed to be like the much fabled Pittsburgh, so a long and costly campaign.
I would assume that they actually establish defended localities, and leapfrog the main vertibird forces from staging camp to staging camp, with the Prydwen flying command and admin/log support...
The game lost a bit of the 'awesome' factor, when I first landed on the Prydwen and a vertibird flew through me, the Prydwen, and the vertibird I had just arrived in...I seriously regret not recording the moment for posterity and youtube comments.
I've seen it land a few times with a BOS squad emerge, i've also seen a fair few shot down as well, its a cool feature for me.
I've seen plenty land just fine. Problem seems to be the bird's low health but there's a mod for it (I don't have it installed but I've heard good things about it) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2857/?
Yes, several times. Once I went to a landed Vertibird (I'm losely associated to the BoS) to help and discovered that the plane was manned by Gunners. There were dead BoS troops on the ground. The Gunners started and hunted me with the bird and on the ground, I died several times before succeeding. I thought the Gunners conquered the landed Vertibird or do they have planes of their own?
What is really astonishing btw for me is that the BoS has such an abundance of Vertibirds with weapons and ammunition and skilled pilots given the fact that so many planes crash all the time.
BOS having guard dogs would explain that dog that was non-hostile wandering about an area where I was fighting Super Mutants (it could also have been the dog that guy was trying to sell).......I assume it was BOS like the Pilot who turned up at one of my settlements.
Having spent a lot of time flying in a Vertibird lately I can honestly say I'm not surprised they crash so much since they seem to pretty regularly fly through and attempt to land on structures when I'm in them.
I've seen a one manage an air drop but never actually land (well...not the right way up). I'm assuming that each one has a Fallout equivalent of Uncle Albert from Only Fools and Horses as navigator.
I've seen one hover-land to drop off troops.
Going by what people are saying here, either the pilots are really terrible or the design is seriously flawed for them to be crashing so much.
LOL the purpose of power armor is to be able to eject from the bird before it explodes, yes it also give protection against enemies who is an nice bonus.
I once saw an BoS in power armor jump from large height and hit the river.
I read somewhere that someone saw one get hijacked by Gunners.