Jumped off the Prydwen in PA once. Now that′s what I call an Airbomb.
On the matter of Vertibirds. I′ve seen quite a few of them land and rarely one crash. And 2 hijacked ones.
The water treatment plant must be a hotspot. I just finished the Reunions mission, so BOS have just showed up recently in-game for me.
I was just across the river from the water treatment plat looking for bloodleaf along the waterline when I heard a hell of a fight. BOS were fighting a sentry bot that had camped out and been patrolling the plant. I sniped at the 'bot from across the river for a little while, then quicksaved and swam across to join in the chaos. The sentry bot was melting down and went all mushroom-cloudy. No survivors. Burning vertibird. Looting the bodies- dead BOS guy in a full suit of T-60. SCORE.
I saw one who had landed, two knights was fighting, used VAT to search for enemies and it found an gunner in pilot seat, bird took off and then crashed leaving and dead gunner among the wreck. No other gunner bodies just raiders and ghouls.
I use the http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2857/?. It has three options, of which I use the 'very' durable option. It keeps them alive in a 'realistic' fashion, without making them uber death from above. With this mod, I see them regularly landing, disembarking troops, taking back off, etc.. I regularly see them battling it out with raiders and the like, and they last a long time. They still stick around until destroyed, which is stupid, as I've seen them continue fighting for minutes with an engine on fire. The proper AI behavior really aught to be for them to fly away after receiving a certain percentage of damage.
I jumped off the Prydwen last night after hearing that announcement to be careful about dropping things off the flight deck, so after that I jumped from a skyscraqer......now I'm wondering is that any limit to how high I can jump from.
I also killed my first raider by dropping down on him.......death from above!
Before I joined Bos, I saw one land near Scrap Palace to drop off some troops to attack Supermutants.
Et Voilà, a Vertibird landing, off-loading troops, including a dog and taking off again...
yea,they land on top of the dish tower or some sort and just vanished lol
.....mother of god 0.o
assuming you didnt photoshop that-i suppose you have pics of who killed JFK as well?
All those crates in the Prydwyn hold are ready-to-assemble Vertibird kits. Each crate comes with it's own hex wrench, just like IKEA furniture.
in all seriousness - the BOS wont make it to Fallout 5 at the rate they are blowing up all over the place- i pray a few of them decide to walk their patrols instead of hopping on the Vbirds :/
i have this on PS4 lol
i mostly use my PC for awesom games like civilization, Rimworld, Prison Archetect, Galactic Civ, etc =)
I'm up to two full free sets of BOS T-60 PA looted off of firefights I sprinted toward after seeing/hearing the vertibirds off in the distance.
Keep 'em comin', guys.
I've seen them land a few times and deploy full squads on the ground. I think the landing points are scripted and few in number. I had one land in that little town where you rescue Preston (forget the name of it). It landed almost in front of the church by the rescue building. You could try hanging out there for a while if you really want to see a landing and that might work. I've seen a few other landing points... some even on roofs. It's always areas with a enough flat space though, which leads me to believe it's scripted. I doubt the AI would be smart enough to land randomly.
Mostly I see them crashing. Probably about 4 out of 5 times I see a vertibird fly around, it crashes. The other 1 where it doesn't is usually because I've left the area before they find enemies. Those things are deathtraps. I'd probably install the vertibird buff mod...except I like all the free T-60 parts from the occasional dead knight (they usually drop down safely, but not always), and the many laser rifles and fusion cell ammo from the dead squires that almost always litter the scene.
hahaha so true, I don't think I've seen one land properly besides the one quest I was on...
few times in the boston common, most other places tho they are in combat which results in a dead bird.
Lmao,i was setting a mirv for tinker tom on top of that skyscraqer,precariously perched on a ledge,enjoying the view,then got squished by a shot down v-bird.
I rememeber those battlefield ads that used to run,they had that saying,Battlefield moments?You could easily do a parody of that,Fallout moments,big montage of v-birds,molotovs/nukes coming outta nowhere and ruining your day.
Never seen one land. Just crash. A couple nearly crashed right into me.
Never seen any BOS dogs either.
Yeah I've seen them land a bunch of times. They often land to drop off Brotherhood knights and such.