I made one character and rushed through the MQ. After finishing it, I made a second character to take my time with. I noticed when lifting the Pipboy it appears distant from the screen, allowing me to see more of the arm. I realize there are two distances, closer and further away, but I'm not talking about that. With my first character the PB was very close and shifting to the further position made it just a little less close, but both still almost filled the screen. With the new character it was further away in both positions.
Well, I didn't like how this new character looked so I went to the Nexus and downloaded about eight character saves to see if I liked any of them. And I tested the PB in all of them. Some had the PB in the close position, some in the far position. Again let me reiterate this is not the same as the function where you can change the distance yourself by clicking, but a default view that's sometimes close and sometimes far. Obviously this information is in the save file but I see no way of controlling it. I like the more distant view actually and I'm wondering if anyone knows what's going on?