has anyone retired a character.only to create another one (a

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:54 am

just interested in how many of you have done this.myself,i was very fond of my original female breton crusader lorien balimar.she just was perfect (to me) at how i enjoyed playing oblivion (going in swords drawn,destruction magic for backup e.t.c) i eventually got rid of her armour and just let her face off against the minions of oblivion with just her bare hands :toughninja: as i recently (last friday) bought 360 version 5th anniversary.have decided to create another character that's almost the same a lorien.this time i am going to keep her and explore the whole world of oblivion (inc the expansion missions).so who else has done the same/similar and your reasons please :biggrin:
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trisha punch
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