i already know PS3's menu for Brink is crazy different all gray and everything, the customization screen is nicer looking i think but after awhile i'd miss that silver on blue tower in the background...
Er, no, it's not. The E3 demo did display the PS3 version with a new background, but if BRINK is going to be the same experience and game universally, then this new background is part of the PC and 360 versions as well.
If there are no more differences that slight graphics and of course button layout than i'd be fine, but if it's something like 360 has one or 6 char's but PS3 has the full 16 i stamp that [LAME]
Again, BRINK is planned to be the same no matter what console you play on, so if there are 16 characters available with one console, all consoles will have 16 characters available.