Mixed about bows. Part of me cringes at the thought bows in a fallout setting. Unless they add in some backwards tribals, it really doesn't make any sense. The other bit of me, wouldn't mind pulling a rambo and using some explosive tipped arrows on a robot.
Actually when you think about it bows, would be a great addition for stealth characters, or people who want to play a mass murdering, stealing version of Robin Hood.
Concept art?
What Perks do you think bows would use anyway?
I think bows being in the game is highly unlikely.
Yeah but that type would use a freaking gun. Sniper rifle or what-have-you. Instead a slow firing low range weapon. Even if you figure in the noise level, you can build freaking suppressors in any machine shop.
BUT can you take the bullets you shot at a person and rip them out of their body, I don't think so, or even better pin people with arrows to the floor by shooting at their feet. making them very exposed and an easy kill.
Let me introduce you to hollowpoints. Or there is something called ripper rounds, that fragment when they hit a target. So one of those ammos leave a basketball sized hole exiting you, and the other fragments when it hits you, so its like getting hit with a shotgun.. *shrugs* Either of those options sounds more unpleasant then getting hit with a pointy stick
I had a chuckle at your logic, since most of the world's current bow/compound bow/crossbow owners are hardly even close to that. They're not as common as guns, sure, but don't pretend that only backwards tribals would own something like a bow.
However, if bows and crossbows did make it in, I'd imagine that the player would need to make the arrows or bolts since I doubt the ammo would be nearly as ubiquitous or common as conventional or energy type ammo.
EDIT: And op, sadly I don't think bows will be in the game, but we can always hope a good modder gives it a go.
You can atleast apply the *pointy stick* with poisons or even give them a thermite tip, and the worst thing is when that poison goes into the veins of some poor fella he is going to have a really and I mean really bad time.
Sure, only if your willing to ruin the meat!
Ahem: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Alien#Encounters
You were saying? I'd like to clarify that aliens have been in the original 2 Fallout games, so no, you're wrong. Mothership Zeta was not lore-breaking, it is in fact quite lore-friendly.
I'd like a bow in fallout, something you could up grade throughout with various ammo types of bolt. Maybe start of with an upgradable dart gun from F3. I really liked that gun too, hope it makes a return.
They don't use bows because they haven't been introduced into the series yet.
Bows didn't exist in the 1950s? Who knew? I guess there was no such thing as hunting or hobbies back then, either, and the medieval times never happened in your history books.
Not confirmed, some concept art showed a guy with a crossbow. But that could just be for artistic reasons.
The community seems pretty divided on this issues. Some really want bows, some really do not want to see bows. I kind of had my fill of seeing bows everywhere with Skyrim for the past 4 years. And for whatever reasons bows are just not really used in the Fallout lore. Closest thing Fallout3 had was the Dartgun, maybe that'll make a return.
Not to be the fly in the ointment here, but everyone that's saying bows don't exist in the fallout universe, have any of you ever crafted the handy dandy dart pistol that made hunting deathclaws a cakewalk and then actually "looked" at what you got?
i don't want to use a bow in fallout, i highly doubt they will be in the game, they just don't fit in the fallout universe