» Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:42 am
Do not go by a players "score" to accuse them of hacking, unless he happens to be 50/1 or something.. I see 15/1, 19/1, 20/1 all the time and they are not hacking.. you got to watch the player (if possible). I got score like that occassionally, best I've done is 18/1, but usually I'm more like 15/7, or 10/8, or 17/12, etc..
To answer you question though, like others have already... yes'um master, they'ze be hackzorz stillz aroundz!
Only one I've really noticed myself since patch 1.4 is the "cloak hack" (does not uncloak when emptying an entire clip into you) .. as far as I know, one shot with most unsilenced guns make you uncloak and you may get 2 or 3 with a silenced weapon, then you uncloak. This guy was walking around with a "mounted weapon" blasting away and never came uncloaked! LOL?
Personally, I still do not understand why players hack.. is it just for the purpose of pissing people off, or do they really think we are stupid and can't tell? Maybe they want to hack just long enough to get a "high rank" then quit? I mean wtfzor .. it takes the "fun / competition" out of the game, so I do not see the point...