» Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:44 pm
If anything, we have a way higher standard of living that gives us a pretty great life.
The past century brought about air conditioning, the car, radio, television, the computer, the toaster, microwave oven, and many other appliances.
The car changed the way people were being courted. No longer did boys go over to the girl's house and meet the family and have a nice wholesome time. Now people started to "date", introducing a whole different level to relationships. The drive-in movie also added to the dating scene.
The car also had an effect on family life. People started to get out more, have picnics, and go on vacations. (The invention of the airplane also attributed to this)
The radio brought families together as they huddled up around it and listened. It also introduced another form of entertainment, along with the television.
Both the radio and the television brought about information being passed to the common man faster.
The computer added a layer of convenience to projects, essays, and novel writing. It replaced the typewriter, which was invented the century before, with the invention of the ink-jet printer in the 70s.
And with the invention of the internet, it started a worldwide information age.
The toaster and microwave oven introduced convenience to the kitchen. No longer did people have to know what they were doing to be able to make a quick meal.
Some small things that were introduced would be the zipper, instant coffee, handheld calculator, and the disposable camera.
The zipper replaced buttons on many clothing, including pants and jackets. It was quite a time saver.
Instant coffee started the trend of getting up in the morning, starting the coffee, and getting yourself that nice morning fix.
Handheld calculators made complex arithmetic into a thing of the past, no longer were scientists the only ones that had fancy machines to do their math for them, the common man had one too.
The disposable camera made sight seeing all more the rage. People wanted to go out and see the world, and show people everything when they got back.
Many complex and simple inventions have changed the way we live, just in the past century. Life in the 1800s was ruled by horse and buggy, railroads, and steamboats.
All of this attributes to the physical aspects, we also have modern medicines that back then we didn't have. People live a lot longer now then they ever did back then.
As for the psychological aspects, that can be a different story. With the computer and the internet, everyone is susceptible to bullying all the time, and at anytime. People who can not take bullying are not going to make it in the world we live in.
The television has introduced us to what we "should" look like. (same can be said about the Barbie doll) People are now very critical of themselves and depression is much higher, along with suicide rates.