A post I read on another forum claimed that we won't be able to wait.
A post I read on another forum claimed that we won't be able to wait.
I haven't heard anything about this, but I would assume the wait function is still in.
I've tried it myself several times, but it keeps saying that we have 6 days left...
Also, I don't believe you can be fat, so no weight function.
Off topic, but you actually can be fat. There is a "body type triangle" like Elder Scrolls Online, where you can choose a point between Thin, Muscular, and Large.
Really? That's awesome! Thanks for sharing!
We're not allowed to post links to leaks, but there are screenshots of it out there. I reddit somewhere...
the E3 video, just look when he is making the face, the options at the bottom.
When you choose the Body option, the character steps back from the mirror so you can see the body, and the body-type triangle comes up. If you go to the extreme of 'Large', you can make Nora quite pear-shaped.
This is starting to derail this thread, though. The reason people are saying that WAIT is gone is from the leaked Xbox control scheme manual. There's no button mentioned for the Wait function. Does anybody know what button was used for it in FO3/NV?
Edit: So in FO3, Wait was the Back button on the Xbox controller. In FO4, Toggle POV has been moved to the Back button instead of the left bumper. VATS has moved to the left bumper, and Bash/Grenade has taken over the right bumper. I guess Wait has either been moved to the Options menu, made to function by pressing and holding one of the other buttons, or it has been removed (at least for consoles).
Hmm...wasn't it the Select button (ps3)?
someone leak the pc bottoms and wait was there so i dont think they will remove it form Console.
In FO3 and NV, PC had an "Always Walk" function (character would keep walking without a key being held), as well as a Quick Save button. The consoles didn't have either function, as far as I know. Wait might have gone the same way for consoles even if PC still has it, or it might have been moved into a menu. It seems that there is no button on the controller assigned for it anymore.
Which is great in my mind. It not being assigned to a button that is. I'm sure it is in the game you just pull it up from the Pip-boy. Consoles have a very limited and precious amount of buttons to use and I always thought burning one for a wait function was a waste, especially since hotkeys are always nice to have. I'm not sure what its being used for now, but I think anything not combat, ease-of use, or interactive related should be relegated to some part of the pip-boy. And we should just have the Pip-Boy be activated by the primary menu button for each control scheme. Save B or O for something combat involved.
From what I read you can only Wait while sitting on furniture. Have not seen it myself.
According to leaked informatioin, allegedly waiting is only an option while using furniture which makes a lot of sense as opposed to standing in one place for hours.
That's an interesting way to do it. I guess that solves the problem by allowing them to contextually assign a button for it.
Cos you cant just sit on the floor.
If so that really does svck beyond measure.
Really? There's a million places to sit. Glad they didn't waste a button on controllers for this
But i am on a pc. I have buttons aplenty. I wouldn't want to have to find a piece of furniture to sit on, or have an oddly ammount of furniture strewn across the wasteland just because we need a place to sit.
This was a criticism for Skyrim aswell, in particular the design of all of the UI. It was so obviously designed for a controler, making it clumsy and unoptimized for pc users with a keyboard and mouse.
Any there's radiation storms, so the concept of being stuck waiting for a storm to pass is possible.
Ok? The change isn't limiting you any more than it's limiting console players. It's a change, get used to those