Has there been any news about a PS3 fix for the leveling up

Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:22 am

I am hoping to eventually get some good news about a patch or a fix that stops the leveling past 40 issues PS3 users have been experienced with the new patch.

Has there been any news from Bethesda?

It is not an advantage it is not a good thing it svcks real bad. Why because it screws you out of being able to get the new perks associated with OWB and LR.

I cannot for the life of me understand who in their right mind wants to lose out on the new perks from OWBs and LR. These perks could be so amazing that they make dedicated FNV players orgism instantly. I don’t want to lose out on a new Power armor perk that OWBs may introduce. I don’t want to be left high and dry when Lonesome Road introduces some kind of end all be all end of DLCs “Oh My God” perk.
I am also not understanding the players who say “just wait until OWBs comes out maybe it will fix the issue.” I say to them what if it does not fix the issue. What if we get so much experience trying to complete OWBs that it screws us out of perks for LR? Are we just supposed to wait three more months for LR to come out to play OWBs and FNV?

I can’t wait that long I am a dedicated FNV player I have played every day since the game came out. I have every inch of FNV memorized quests, maps, locations of items and damn near everything. I have played every quest decorated safe houses all over the Mohave and Zion. I have maybe put more hours into this game than possibly any single human on planet earth. I have five characters at level forty waiting no itching like a crack user ready to do unspeakable things to get a fix to continue their various wars in OWBs. I can’t take it every day since this game came out I have done something from decorating the Tops with a hundred teddy bears all posed in various criminal scenes, to arming up every traveling merchant (through reverse pickpocketing) I come across with combat armor and top of the line weapons so they don’t accidently get killed on their routes. I am so addicted that for two weeks I went around cleaning up the damn Mohave wasteland while waiting for HH. I swear to god my 5 level 40 characters went around the Mohave straightening up places like the Dino shop, squaring away all the NCR posts, straightening up various legion areas and just cleaning the whole of the Mohave like some kind of super cleaning ladies. Hell I cleaned up and decorated all of Westside for 5 different characters who each decorated Westside based on themes associated with their various faction alliances.

I need to play my game without this leveling up thing hanging over my head. Please someone out there hear my prayer and introduce a fix or a patch that kills this leveling up bug that poor unlucky PS3 users are experiencing.
If you are out their Jason please get back to me with some news on a fix or at least tell me I am screwed so I can give your great game a Viking funeral before I contemplate offing myself (joke) because I can’t play FNV anymore.

(Yes I am aware I am a geek who is addicted and that I have no life. I am married with teenagers FNV is the only life my family allows me to have right now.)
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:42 am

Just FYI, just cause you play a lot doesn't make you a geek (though if you want to call yourself one, more power too you :P I'm guilty of being one too. :spotted owl: ) or less than any other users here, a vast majority of players here have at least 300-500+ hours logged in FNV. As for the level up issue:

Ulysseswrote on July 6th, 2011

Why was my level cap raised after the patch was installed? I have the ps3 version of the game and I have both honest hearts and dead money installed and my character is level 40. Now I am almost level 41 since the patch came out. Also, my overall DT was mysteriously raised by over 20 points on one of my playthroughs. Are these bugs or am I just missing something?

gstaffwrote on July 6th, 2011

@Ulysses, we’re looking into that issue. As we have more information we’ll let everyone know.

Stay tuned

Taken from the Bethesda Blog for the Patch Notes.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:15 am

Just FYI, just cause you play a lot doesn't make you a geek (though if you want to call yourself one, more power too you :P I'm guilty of being one too. :spotted owl: ) or less than any other users here, a vast majority of players here have at least 300-500+ hours logged in FNV. As for the level up issue:

Taken from the Bethesda Blog for the Patch Notes.

That makes me feel a little better that they are working on something thanks. I hope above hope that they are able to do something about this bug.

Thanks for the encouragement I really like this game. I have put more time into this game than I have put into any other game save maybe FO3 and I sometimes feel I am too dedicated to this game and look foolish compared to some of the other memebers of this board.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:16 am

That makes me feel a little better that they are working on something thanks. I hope above hope that they are able to do something about this bug.

Thanks for the encouragement I really like this game. I have put more time into this game than I have put into any other game save maybe FO3 and I sometimes feel I am too dedicated to this game and look foolish compared to some of the other memebers of this board.

No problem, always glad to help. :)

No worries haha. We've all been there, but once you're on the board for a while, or a few days even, you'll meet a lotta people (gamer wise) like you. :) Heck, you might even run into the people that have anywhere from 1-2k hours logged. :blink:

PS - As long as you like the series, you'll never really bee looked at as foolish. :P On these boards anyway. Hah.
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