I don't think you've been on BioWare Social Network. It's flame wars every day there. Bring up Mass Effect 3 and you are going to get trouble. Everybody has an opinion on the controversial ending because everybody has their views on it. Regardless, BioWare is active on BSN and many times writers and devs have either come in to explain their rational or just talk with the community. They are incredibly active there, much like CDPR, where you will see some of the developers have a consistent presence on the forums and in social media. That's not to say BGS doesn't listen or at least read these forums from time to time, but they certainly don't have the presence BioWare or CDPR does on their forums.
You can thank all of the romance options in DAI almost exclusively to BSN. If there is anything as polarizing as the ending to ME3, it's sixual orientation and having more equal representation with respect to more options other than heterosixuality and even homosixuality. I wasn't as active on CDPR's forum for TW3 but I generally did not see a lot of flaming other than folks complaining about CDPR's paternership with Nvidia and how that was apparently screwing over AMD folks. Overall, the forums for TW3 were pretty positive and focused on how to improve the game and questions about particular characters as they relate to the novels.