Hey andalaybay!
Unfortunately, for now, I'm trying to support the vanila Vampire quest.
And that doesn't save HasVampireFed value.
But even if it did, that variable will still need to be reset to 0 for it to be used as intentded.
I've suggested to the OBSE team to create a script-unique HasVampireFed variable similar to GetGameRestarted.
I think that this is the only way.
Detecting when the player feeds in Vampire mods are easy because they usually save the amount of blood the player consumes.
There is no reliable way of detecting when the player feeds in Oblivion's own vampire script, unfortunately.
Another thing to remember is that vanilla updates the player misc. stat. It's misc stat 24, so getPCMiscStat 24 is the running total. Oblivion XP uses that to award points to the player after they have fed. It keeps a running total in its scripts and compares the latest value from that misc. stat to detect when the player feeds. It works really well

It's also pretty independent. I forgot all about that the first time I posted :blush:
Now why Oblivion XP awards points for feeding as a vampire is a different question entirely