Then the unthinkable happened. Always wanting to try Daggerfall, I've unsuccessfully been able to find it for anything other than a ridiculously high price. Bethesda had to go and make it free. So, I figured, what the hell? Let's see what all the fuss is about, right? Let's just see why everyone likes this game so much.
I hate Daggerfall.
I just finished wandering through a dungeon for about an hour, tracking down a rogue wizard and killing him. I filled up my wagon with loot, and returned to the Daggerfall to get my reward. I wandered a bit, then walked outside in the rain. It was foggy, and I could barely see 10 feet in front of me. I walked back into the Mage's Guild to wait for the storm to die down and I figured I might as well grab a quest to help me advance. I got a guard quest, and so I did. I waited for the assassins, killed them, and just as I was about to finish up my shift, I hear..
Halt! Halt! Halt!
Startled, I lashed my sword out in front of me, accidentally striking a guard who was coming to arrest me for an unknown crime. I just committed assault on a member of the city watch. I panicked, and killed him and his partner. I darted around the guild for a second, then figured more guards would come, I scooped up the armor and weapons that the assassins and guards had on their persons, and shoveled it into my wagon. I had just finished guard duty when this happened, so I accepted my reward, and I darted out of the guild. It was still raining outside, the fog obscuring my vision. My health was low, and I couldn't rest because the guards were hunting me down. I couldn't go to prison for murder of two city guards. So..
I ran. I just picked a direction and ran as fast as I could. I was hoping to get to an exit so I could leave this damned city, but all I found was a wall of four guards waiting to arrest me. I turned around and saw guards closing in from behind me as well. I knew I wouldn't be able to take all of them, especially so wounded. I used a couple of heal spells, which almost completely drained me of magic. I still wasn't in shape to fight. I looked to my left and right, then frantically started to climb up the side of the building next to me. I heard, "Halt! Halt!" get louder as the city's strike force closed in closer. As I reached the roof of the building, I saw the guards were I once was, shouting at me from the ground. I was cornered and my only option was to die or go to prison for what would have to be years.
I started running.. I made a leap of faith from one rooftop to another. Dropping down into an alleyway and continuing to sprint towards the edge of the city as the words, "Halt! Halt!" echoed in my ears. Through the fog, I could make out the sheer wall surrounding Daggerfall. I hit the wall hard, desperately grasping at the stones as the guards closed on my heels. I started climbing.. as I reach the top of the wall, my hands slip and I fall. I manage to grab onto the stones again before hitting the ground, and proceed to succesfully climb the wall this time. I hear the guards shouting behind me as I breathe a sigh of relief. I deftly leap over the other side of the wall, grunting as I hit the ground hard. Almost defeated, I continue to run until I can no longer see that imposing, gray, stone wall.
Out in the wilderness, I manage to get a couple of hours rest, heal up slightly, and continue my journey. I continued to run for days until I crossed into another territory altogether. The guards and people here don't judge me as harshly as they do back in Daggerfall. I'm not a murderer to them. It was just an accident. I quickly set about selling the equipment I looted from the dead guards, put the money in the bank, and vow to start my life anew. I rested in a tavern for a long 14 hours. I suppose the only thing to do is look for work now.
I looked at the clock after all that had happened, and I saw that two and a half hours had passed since I stopped that rogue mage with good intentions. Two and a half hours later, my character is a murderer and a pariah of Daggerfall. I have never, ever experienced anything in a roleplaying game quite like that. After a little time, I started up Oblivion and played for... 15 minutes. I just couldn't get into it again. I couldn't have detailed conversations, I could very well be a vicious murderer, but accepted everywhere due to paying a pittance of a fine. I raided half of an Ayleid ruin and quit.
Don't get me wrong, Oblivion, in my opinion, is a fantastic game in its own right. However, for the 15 minutes I played today, I ran through the dungeon, slashing and hacking some bandits to death. If I got injured, I'd heal myself with magic or the plentiful potions. I didn't have to worry about either because I had tons of potions and my magicka regenerated quickly enough. My fatigue is a non-factor now on the character I'm playing in Oblivion. I don't *have* to rest, I don't have to do anything. Oblivion is a fantastic game, and while I do have complaints about it, I've certainly put enough hours into it to say that I like it. But after playing Daggerfall, and having the experiences I have had playing THAT game.. well.. roleplaying in Oblivion, which was once light, is now gone for me. As an action RPGish game, I love it. The combat (especially with mods) is fun and engaging, and all in all, it's a very in depth action RPG. Daggerfall has shown me, however, that there is much more than talking to a person and getting a quest, killing some bloke, and getting a reward. Politics, conversation, people hating you *just because* and there's not a whole lot you can do about it, ships, banking (Which I love, I know that's silly, but I like it), dungeons that feel like an epic adventure every time you set foot in one, climbing (Again, may be silly, but I love it). Crimes have long lasting effects to your reputation, and you can't just pay a fine. You pay a fine AND go to jail, or banishment, or you're forever on the run from the law every time you set your foot in that region. People hate you because you're a murderer. You cannot fix things with a bit of gold and say "Oh, sorry guys, I know killing is wrong, but here's 1000 gold. Is that okay? I'll give you an extra 1000 if I can kill your friend over there!!"
Oblivion has always served me well (not as well as Morrowind =P) as an RPG I could get lost in and be a character. Daggerfall, however, has shown me another plane of western roleplaying, and I love it.
I hate Daggerfall, because it ruined Oblivion for me.

I know this is a long, rambling post, so for all the TL;DR people out there.
Title = joke.
Me <3 Daggerfall.