I hate Dragon Priests

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:36 pm

I keep getting pounded by them all the time with their overpowered spells, and their pu$sy-as$ tactics of just backpedaling (COWARD) away from me so my warrior has difficulty hitting him doesn't help either.

On top of that, my Ebony Sword (Superior) is only taking off like 1 pixel away from their health bar everytime I connect a hit.

I'm looking for ways to increase my defense against their coward spells and increasing my damage to them... warrior build. Any tips?
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:53 pm

Where the heck are these dragon priests? I've put 100 hours into the game, lvl 21 char and a lvl 52 char, completed the main quest, and never seen these super hard dragon priests people talk about.

EDIT: Looked it up on the wiki. Oh it's those guys, didn't know they were called Dragon Priests.

You can enchant armor to give you magic resist, or find/buy armor with elemental resists.

You can use the Ice shout to freeze them in place, allowing you to get a few good whacks in.

Paralyze poison might also do the same trick.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:19 am

Mana restience/ mana draining, have a companion, maybe a mage so they can spark.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:09 pm

how are they cowards for avoiding damage and fighting their own way?

thats like calling warriors cowards for blocking and using armor.
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maya papps
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:39 am

Paralyze poison might also do the same trick.

They are immune to poisons. :(
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:22 pm

Do I have to power level Enchanting to apply a resistance enchantment that even matters? My enchating skill is pretty low compared to my other skills; I can only create like around 15% resistance to fire, for example.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:11 am

What about damage? I have an Ebony Sword (Superior) that does like around 32 damage... it's taking like only a pixel away from the Dragon Priest's health bar. D:
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:27 am

Do I have to power level Enchanting to apply a resistance enchantment that even matters? My enchating skill is pretty low compared to my other skills; I can only create like around 15% resistance to fire, for example.

Get the Lord birth stone. It's an absolute life saver. Either that or the Atronach. You can always change back afterwards.

Also do the Forbidden Legend quest chain. The reward is a beauty.

If you can get hold of the Otar mask (you do have to kill a dragon priest to get it, though) then your life will become a lot easier. Otar is in Ragnvald.

What race are you, finally?
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:45 pm

The Priests are some of the toughest fights in the game, but they also really *should* be.

The first one I ran into was Volsung. Fortunately he employs mainly ice magic, and I was on a Nord. Even then I had to resort to ducking behind pillars and twin-torching him with Flame for quite some time.

Patience and thinking outside the box. It's not 'cowardly' to duck in cover if it saves your life.
And when you get to higher levels, they do get easier. My tactic for...forget his name, Shattered Point Word Wall and a user of a nasty fireball spell. He took some doing, but repeatedly staving his face in with a shield and wailing on him with a sword eventually brought him down. Shouts help too.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:01 pm

Personally, I just carry a fire resistance and frost resistance necklace with me, along with fire/frost resist potions. I believe there's also priests that use shock spells, so eventually, I'll have potions/necklace against those too.

No need to level up enchanting like crazy, or even alchemy. Plenty of potions on sale, and for frost you can just hunt down those ice wraith things.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:42 pm

I finished The Forbidden Legend, and got the +30 amulet. Yeah it does help somewhat, but it's definitely not a table turner IMO. The fight with the archer and his fake mirror images was too hard for me; had to tgm (I tried for 2 days, I decided "screw this") and the last fight with all 3 of them was just too much for me but this time I didn't tgm and instead just lowered the difficulty. I really wanted to legitimately finish it but dying so many times is boring.

To make up for my "cheating", I don't use the amulet a lot. In fact, I think I should get rid of it, because "I didn't deserve it"?

I am a level 25 Nord, sword and shield, potions for healing. I don't have much magic skills (not significant enough to do much damage).
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Joey Bel
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:29 am

Patience and thinking outside the box. It's not 'cowardly' to duck in cover if it saves your life.
And when you get to higher levels, they do get easier. My tactic for...forget his name, Shattered Point Word Wall and a user of a nasty fireball spell. He took some doing, but repeatedly staving his face in with a shield and wailing on him with a sword eventually brought him down. Shouts help too.

I believe that's Krosis. He was fairly tough, just a shame his mask is useless for my character.

I finished The Forbidden Legend, and got the +30 amulet. Yeah it does help somewhat, but it's definitely not a table turner IMO. The fight with the archer and his fake mirror images was too hard for me; had to tgm (I tried for 2 days, I decided "screw this") and the last fight with all 3 of them was just too much for me but this time I didn't tgm and instead just lowered the difficulty. I really wanted to legitimately finish it but dying so many times is boring.

To make up for my "cheating", I don't use the amulet a lot. In fact, I think I should get rid of it, because "I didn't deserve it"?

I am a level 25 Nord, sword and shield, potions for healing. I don't have much magic skills (not significant enough to do much damage).

I'm surprised by that, I did that quest at around that level, maybe a touch lower, with my 2H Nord. I also had high Smithing and Enchanting at that stage - higher than my Heavy Armour and 2H weapons skills, although still nowhere near 100 - so I was comparatively weaker in combat skills at the time...

What gear are you using? Because I think I still had a Dwarven battleaxe at the time, far below my current Ebony one. Even if you're not perking Smithing, you should definitely use a workbench to improve your armour as much as you can.

Beyond that, DEFINITELY get the Lord birth stone - from memory it's at the peak of a small mountain directly east of Morthal and directly South-west of Dawnstar. It really is a brilliant sign. Once you've got that, head straight to http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111113103513/elderscrolls/images/thumb/4/4d/Otar.jpg/587px-Otar.jpg and make Otar your first priest. Once you've got his mask on, any dragon priest or dragon should become a whole lot easier.

Beyond that, I don't really know what to suggest, you shouldn't be finding them excruciatingly difficult unless you're on Master difficulty... don't get me wrong they're the toughest enemies I've faced yet, but they're still not that difficult unless your character is a bit weak.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:07 pm

What about damage? I have an Ebony Sword (Superior) that does like around 32 damage... it's taking like only a pixel away from the Dragon Priest's health bar. D:

32 damage? That's TOO low damage rating. My dwarven dagger does 29 damage with my smithings and enchantings. I'm level 25.

You might want to try blacksmithing. A Warrior must have skills in smithing in order to keep resistance at good rates.

Also I would suggest: Spend some time in dungeons or quests. Find out if there's any ring/necklace/armor that gives you magic resistance or elemental resistance. There are spells and potions that increases your resistance.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:01 am

well most thing are already said

build you char effectiv, means enchanting always as high as the combat skills
smithing too if not a mage, perk the weapons and armor that you use for double effect

get lord stone for 25% resist, riften mara temple quest for 15% resist, or atronach stone for 50% absorb
get yourself the Shield "Spellbreaker", form the daedric quest The Only Cure - Peryite --> NE of markarth (maybe the fastest way to become strong angainst casters as shield wielder, shield makes you near to immun to spells)

I'm @ my 4. char right now, and i just don't try to fight dragonpriests, or dragons until i have some resistance (they annihilate you on master)
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:53 am

I believe that's Krosis. He was fairly tough, just a shame his mask is useless for my character.

That's the one. Volsung I found more useful, especially for water breathing and the extra 20 carry weight. And better prices. In fact, I think Volsung is the most useful so far XD
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:37 pm

well most thing are already said

build you char effectiv, means enchanting always as high as the combat skills
smithing too if not a mage, perk the weapons and armor that you use for double effect

get lord stone for 25% resist, riften mara temple quest for 15% resist, or atronach stone for 50% absorb
get yourself the Shield "Spellbreaker", form the daedric quest The Only Cure - Peryite --> NE of markarth (maybe the fastest way to become strong angainst casters as shield wielder, shield makes you near to immun to spells)

I'm @ my 4. char right now, and i just don't try to fight dragonpriests, or dragons until i have some resistance (they annihilate you on master)

I wouldn't say you NEED Enchanting and Smithing to be your highest skills to take down priests, but Smithing certainly helps even at low levels.

Getting the Spellbreaker is an excellent idea though. Peryite's shrine is the one directly East of Ragnvald and directly West of the quest marker on http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111113103513/elderscrolls/images/thumb/4/4d/Otar.jpg/587px-Otar.jpg (Ragnvald is circled). You need quite a few tricky-to-find ingredients to do the quest, though, and it sends you through a long Dwemer ruin, but the reward is top notch.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:08 pm

I keep getting pounded by them all the time with their overpowered spells, and their pu$sy-as$ tactics of just backpedaling (COWARD) away from me so my warrior has difficulty hitting him doesn't help either.

On top of that, my Ebony Sword (Superior) is only taking off like 1 pixel away from their health bar everytime I connect a hit.

I'm looking for ways to increase my defense against their coward spells and increasing my damage to them... warrior build. Any tips?

I feel you dude. Im playing with a 2hander myself and sometimes its hard to catch them. I have absolutely 0 magic resistance so its a bit of a challenge. But it is possible to beat these guys very easily by turning into a werewolf. They cant even cast a single spell on you, if you keep hitting them with the power attack on the move. I killed one before i was even lvl 15 using that tactic. So sometimes when i get frustrated with a caster boss i use this easy way of killing them.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:35 am

Thanks for your input everyone. The problem is that I am not power leveling anything, just playing naturally, in fact my Smithing and Enchanting were pretty far behind compared to my One Handed and Heavy Armor, so I can't really make any uber equipment.

I'll have a look at the Lord sign and check out Ragnvald.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:46 am

Question: How does Magic Resistance differ from the individual elemental resistances?

For example, The Lord grants me 25% Magic Resistance. Does this mean I am getting 25% resistance to Fire, Frost and Shock all at the same time?

Or is it something enitrely different?
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:47 pm

Thanks for your input everyone. The problem is that I am not power leveling anything, just playing naturally, in fact my Smithing and Enchanting were pretty far behind compared to my One Handed and Heavy Armor, so I can't really make any uber equipment.

I'll have a look at the Lord sign and check out Ragnvald.

Anyone telling you you need to PL anything is too reliant on it to begin with. I beat Volsung the first time simply by twin-wielding Flame (I was a warrior type so Destruction was far from my speciality) and using the pillars around his coffin as cover. Being a Nord and 50% frost resistant was helpful, I admit. But Unrelenting Force also staggers him, so I was making much use of that as well.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:00 pm

I've found the dragon priests pretty easy do far. I just make sure my follower is distracting him then unleash hell with my nightingale bow.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:42 pm

32 dmg seems low. My daedric axe does 170 lol.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:19 pm

I'm still using an Ebony Sword (which I randomly found while dungeon crawling while I was still a low level; I think I had to defeat a pretty powerful enemy to get it), which I've improved to Superior... it's currently doing 40 damage. :/
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:55 pm

I'm glad there aren't many of them or i'd get my ass kicked a lot...
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:10 pm

What about damage? I have an Ebony Sword (Superior) that does like around 32 damage... it's taking like only a pixel away from the Dragon Priest's health bar. D:

You sword needs some work on a grindstone. I have Skyforge Steel swords at 52 damage without abusing the system.

Since you are fighting undead, and trying not to exploit the enchanting-alchemy-smithing loop, use silver weapons. They're highly effective on the undead.
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