» Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:10 am
Here is my take on Skyrims so called scaling. When I first entered Skyrim, myself and friends wandered off to paths unknown. I stuck to the tundra near Whiterun, he headed west of Helgan. While he was getting smashed by bears and Necromages, I was carefully taking out easy bandits at a fort and making some gold. This, like Fallout 3, is area difficulty.
Now at level 40, I go to these areas, even out of sneak, I can pull out my swords in my apparently weak version of nightingale and dark brotherhood armor, and just plain drop them all with a few swings. If I go in to the fort, the same is evident as I have already been there. When I enter a dungeon now, the same fodder are there for my one shot stealth kills, or charge in DW kills. Draugr, bandits, novice necromancers etc etc. But in between there is a mob, that will make like a little more uncomfortable, if I chose not to, or fail to stealth kill him.
My first experience of this was around mid 20's. Cutting through a ruin and its Draugr residents like cheese, then while laughing how easy my bow takes them down, Lydia is off running at a slighty more armored version of a Draugr who didnt die in one or two shots unlike even the more powerful restless Draugr. Suddenly she yields, and I read "Draugr Deathlord"..... Oh dear, he turns, pops an arrow off at me, im down to, if I had to guess 7% health in one shot. Lets just say some time and many re-loads were spent there before he fell. And then on him I found an Ebony bow, which I used for a long long time.
I utterly love this so called scaling. For a start its not pure Oblivion scaling, its more Fallout 3 where its quite balanced, at higher levels most of the time you are Rambo, but the game will throw a few bones your way to make life difficult. In harder areas, the more difficult mobs are more apparent.
As for armor. I never saw faction armor as end game sets, to me they were always a leg up for the game. Early on getting DB armor for muffle, bow and sneak damage, helped me a ton, nightingale armor is rather useless for a sneak attacker even low level compared, but the caped look is too good for me to avoid. I feel the game wants me to eventually move on to my own set, not a strong faction set but full enchanted scale or glass armor. Which the only reason I havent done yet is because I want boots with muffle, no idea how to enchant that myself, and I wont do it till I have 100 enchant, ocd call it.