For those who say "the game will be linear/too easy if it did not have level scaling" only prove that they haven't played Morrowind or many other games that didn't have level scaling. Level scaling is just a lazy way to flatten everything and "balance" them to oblivion. It breaks immersion and it's extremely unrealistic.
I've been playing pen-and-paper RPGs, CRPGs (Ultima series, Wizardy, Bard's Tale, SSI "Gold Box", MW/OB, FO1 / FO3 / FO:NV, Bioware, etc), and JRPGs (SNES, PS1, PS2, PS3), for the past 30 years.
Different games have different styles.
And I enjoy that.
Some are unscaling linear-fests. Some are very scaled. Some are hack-n-slash no-plot games (Diablo & other similar "roguelike" ARPGs). Some are plot heavy. Some are plot light. 2D, 3D, fancy graphics, just text, whatever.
They've all been good.
And I still enjoy Bethesda "open world" scaled games for what they are. When I want a proscribed-path, story-heavy, choices-and-morality game, I pick a game that fits that category. When I want to beat crap up and get random loot, I pick a game like that. When I want an MMO, I pick a game like that.
I don't pick a game from a company with a known style, and then [censored]/whine/moan about it not being in some other style.
edit: Happy Thanksgiving! :tongue: